prebid / prebid-server

Open-source solution for running real-time advertising auctions in the cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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Fix semgrep issue with dgryski Go ruleset #3719

Closed dmitris closed 2 weeks ago

dmitris commented 3 weeks ago

PR fixes the semgrep issue with the dgryski ruleset, rule by restructuring the error handling: return nil if the err from jsonConfigMergeClone.Unmarshal, otherwise make the return value as now.

│ 1 Code Finding │

          return nil instead of nil value

           34┆ if err != nil {
           35┆   return &errortypes.FailedToUnmarshal{
           36┆           Message: tryExtractErrorMessage(err),
           37┆   }
           38┆ }
           39┆ return err
dmitris commented 2 weeks ago

thanks again for all the reviews and approvals 😄 - please let me know if you would like me to rebase on trunk before merging.