prebid / prebid-server

Open-source solution for running real-time advertising auctions in the cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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Support For OpenRTB 2.6-202402 and -202407 #3762

Open bretg opened 1 week ago

bretg commented 1 week ago

A couple of additions to OpenRTB that Prebid Server should support in the JSON schema validation.

OpenRTB 2.6-202402

This will be discussed as part of the adpodding subcommittee.

OpenRTB 2.6-202407

No special logic or validations. When an eids object is passed to a bid adapter, these are just additional data. If an eids object is removed for any reason, these values would be removed with it.

SyntaxNode commented 3 days ago

The changes to the EID object as part of OpenRTB 2.6-202407 (not yet merged) is designed to provide sellers with better clarity on the buyerid. This ID Generation Provenance and Clarification IAB article discusses the objective, also known as ID Bridging.

There is new logic needed in Prebid Server to support this objective. When the buyerid is inserted by Prebid Server as the result of cookie syncing (from the PBS cookie), Prebid Server is expected to add a new eid object with the inserter and (likely) matcher identifying the host company and mm (match method) set to 2 / Browser Cookie Sync. This duplicates the buyerid value in the request, but the long term preference is to deprecate buyerid.

The inserter should match the host company's ads.txt domain. I'm less certain on if it's appropriate or necessary for Prebid Server to set the matcher.