prebid / prebid-server

Open-source solution for running real-time advertising auctions in the cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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Port PR from PBS-Java: OpenX: populate BidderBid.videoInfo for targeting #3851

Closed cross-repo-issue-creation[bot] closed 1 month ago

cross-repo-issue-creation[bot] commented 1 month ago

A PR was merged over on PBS-Java

bretg commented 1 month ago

@laurb9 - we merged this videoinfo PR over on PBS-Java - not seeing a PR in PBS-Go with a similar title -- does it need to be ported?

laurb9 commented 1 month ago

@bretg the first PR was in PBS-Go: #3834 and it triggered I'll pay more attention to PR naming in the future.

bretg commented 1 month ago

Thanks for confirming.