prebid / prebid-universal-creative

Apache License 2.0
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PUC Installation Error #155

Closed GenarC closed 2 years ago

GenarC commented 2 years ago

Description: On PUC installation, getting install errors. I'm doing exacly the readme file says. image

To Reproduce:

  1. Cloned the repo into ../var/prebid/prebid-unşversal-creative
  2. Installed npm
  3. Installed gulp
  4. Went into the repository directory
  5. run "npm install"

Expected behavior: I want to serve my own prebid server-cache-universal creative. So I need to install PUC.

Screenshots image

Desktop (please complete the following information):

How can I fix this problem?

bretg commented 2 years ago

@GenarC - I suspect it's a node/npm version thing. The install works for me with node 11.5 and npm 6.4.1

$ nvm use 11.5.0 Now using node v11.5.0 (npm v6.4.1)

dgirardi commented 2 years ago

This should be fixed by