prebid / prebid-universal-creative

Apache License 2.0
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Feature Request: Have the PUC find the $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$ #168

Open ethyde opened 2 years ago

ethyde commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone,

It's not very clear following this issue How can we customize the $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$ name without having to create a custom build?

dgirardi commented 2 years ago

When using safeframes there is no dependency on the prebid global. Otherwise, in some situations the creative will try to find and call [global].renderAd(). This, or at least the documentation for this, should be improved.

ethyde commented 2 years ago


If I understand well, whatever the namespace of pbjs, UC should be able to find it and use it if necessary?

pm-harshad-mane commented 2 years ago

Not sure whether you are looking for this, but changing the name here and building the project will allow you to use another name than pbjs Make sure you are using the same prebid-name-space in PrebidJS too.

ethyde commented 2 years ago

Thanks for yours reply @pm-harshad-mane et @dgirardi :) So I have to fork or clone this repo to be able to customize the global namespace?

patmmccann commented 2 years ago

For now yes, but we'll keep this issue open to track identifying the global similar to

Hamper commented 1 year ago

I think that can be usable to implement some parameter for PUC like ucTagData.prebidName = 'pbjs'

andyblackwell commented 6 months ago

yeah, that method could even support multiple custom prebid instances on a page by passing a key/val along with each unit when setting targeting, like your example, pbjsGlobal = onePbjs on one ad request and pbjsGlobal = twoPbjs on another, PUC could directly know which version a render call needs to be sent to by default, no custom PUC build necessary