prebid / professor-prebid

Prebid's next-gen debugging tool
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GAM and UAM/TAM Reporting: CPM, TTR and Winning Bidder #19

Open timothyasp opened 2 years ago

timothyasp commented 2 years ago

If possible, it'd be great to report if Amazon or google wins the auction, and the various stats associated with that. Both in the timeline and in the overlays.

I know this is just a prebid solution, but many folks run GAM, AdX, UAM/TAM and OpenBidding so many auction winners aren't reported.

patmmccann commented 2 years ago

fwiw if you click on the query id you always know the winner, but +1 this is more convenient if we could figure out how to identify each reliably

allanjun commented 1 year ago

hi @patmmccann last time you mentioned a snippet that returns the company id associated to the GAM creative ?