prebid / professor-prebid

Prebid's next-gen debugging tool
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Missing bidders in the AdUnits tab when setting up multiple adunits with the same code #55

Closed aanton closed 1 year ago

aanton commented 1 year ago


In the AdUnits tab the bidders information is uncomplete when multiple adunits objects are set with the same code. Only one of them is shown in the bidders column. In the Bids tab all the the bidders are correctly shown.

Just an example of two adunits objects with the same code:

    code: "Top",
    bids: [
        bidder: "appnexus",
        params: {
          placementId: 123456,
    mediaTypes: {
      banner: {
        sizes: [
          [970, 90],
          [970, 250],
    code: "Top",
    bids: [
        bidder: "richaudience",
        params: {
          supplyType: "site",
          pid: "XYZ",
    mediaTypes: {
      banner: {
        sizes: [
          [970, 90],
          [970, 250],
          [1, 1],

In this example two different adunits are set because the banner sizes must be different for each bidder.

Regards, Armando

aanton commented 1 year ago

I share a fake site to test it:

The AdUnits tab (only one bidder is shown): image

The Bids tab: image

It is just an example without a CMP and fake data.

florianerl commented 1 year ago

HI @aanton ,

thanks for your feedback! I published a new version today. Please let me know if that fixes your issues.

aanton commented 1 year ago

Hi @florianerl,

it works perfectly :+1:

I have checked it in the test page. It uses five different AdUnits objects and all of them are reported correctly in the AdUnits tab. image
