prebid / professor-prebid

Prebid's next-gen debugging tool
Apache License 2.0
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Extension timeout too short #61

Closed jonasbraga closed 1 year ago

jonasbraga commented 1 year ago

Hello, I was facing an issue with the plugin that the 8 seconds timeout ( is not enough in my case ( - only lvl10+ players see ads)

I've cloned de repo locally and changed this to 60 seconds (a lot but since it's just listening and waiting until prebid scripts are available, I don't think it would lead to any performance issues), and it fixed the problem

So, I would like to inform you of that, and also know your thoughts about it Should we change, keep, or maybe add a new dynamic selection to this timeout value?

Once we agree in a solution I can create the PR for you as well


florianerl commented 1 year ago

Hi @jonasbraga ,

thanks for your feedback! I think the best way to go would be to add a dynamic selection. I'm currently about to leave for vacation, so please have some patience with me. I'd also be happy to merge a PR from you