prebid / professor-prebid

Prebid's next-gen debugging tool
Apache License 2.0
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duplicate data for multiple bids #81

Open MikeSperone opened 8 months ago

MikeSperone commented 8 months ago

Prebid versions: 8.18, 8.21 (occurs with both versions)

Professor Prebid version: 0.2.69 (unknown if this occurred on previous versions)

Browser: Chrome 119

Issue: If a bidder returns multiple bids (for separate banner sizes), Prof. Prebid shows the correct number of bids, but all with the data for the 1st bid.

For example: in the attached screenshot, ix and appnexus both return 2 bids (a "970x250" and a "728x90") - pbjs.getBidResponsesForAdUnitCode confirms the 2 bids are different, and Prof. Prebid is duplicating whichever comes first.

Similarly if 3 bids return, all 3 show the same data.
