prebid / professor-prebid

Prebid's next-gen debugging tool
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Request: Within the Input to a bidder, display TOPICS and ORTB2 object passed to the bidder #89

Open pm-harshad-mane opened 2 months ago

pm-harshad-mane commented 2 months ago
Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 4 11 54 PM

In the above screen-shot, when user clicks on a bidder's name, you can see what was the input to the bidder, as below

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 4 11 43 PM

Can we show TOPICS and ORTB2 object passed as an input to the bidder ?

Also, In Timeline view (screen-shot) below, there are some more fields populated that are inputs... can we add TOPICS information here as well? And keep the views consistent?

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 4 14 09 PM

Actually it will be very helpful if we could show the bidder request sent by the bidder, that will tell whether a particular input was consumed by the bidder or not.

jlquaccia commented 1 month ago

Just opened up a PR for this ticket. Looks like I don't have permission to assign myself to this ticket or add reviewers to the PR, but @florianerl @pm-harshad-mane could you review the PR? Thanks!