prebid / professor-prebid

Prebid's next-gen debugging tool
Apache License 2.0
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Help with Prebid Timing #99

Closed simplo closed 21 hours ago

simplo commented 3 weeks ago

Type of issue

It seems my page pushes banners befor Prebid ended, but no timeout.


I'm using professor prebid to check the bids, but I get banners before prof displays the bids, even if the system is not in timeout. Is there a way to understand the status od the bids and check if the result has been sent to the system?

Steps to reproduce

just connect to and check when banners are displayed while checking bids sith professor prebid

Test page


Expected results

Banners displays after bidding is over or after timeout

Actual results

It seems banners are displayed before the bids are sent

Platform details

Any browser. We are using prebid8.51.0

Other information

ChrisHuie commented 2 weeks ago

@simplo we are trying to work this out inside Professor Prebid. We have seen this issue in certain situations as well and appears our extension script is being run later. We are currently working to figure out a fix in an upcoming professor prebid update.

simplo commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you guys!

florianerl commented 4 days ago

Hi @simplo ,

could you please check if vesion 0.2.73 (published 24th of June '24) fixes your issue? Many thanks in advance!

simplo commented 21 hours ago

Hi, I'm trying it since 2 days, it seems fixed. Thank you!