prebuilt-amiga-dev-tools / vasmm68k-build

vasmm68k pre-built for Windows, Linux and MacOS
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Build bottles for formula updates #73

Closed Kalmalyzer closed 4 years ago

Kalmalyzer commented 4 years ago

Currently the formulas do not contain any pre-built bottle refs. How do we build bottles? Which repo should 'own' building of bottles? Where should bottles be stored? How should they be added to the formula? How should we update the list of bottle refs when there is a version change?

... how much can we piggyback on the official tooling & infrastructure for this?

Kalmalyzer commented 4 years ago

test-bot seems to be able to do this. See brewsci/homebrew-bio usage of test-bot for examples of a custom tap that builds bottles for MacOSX & Linux.

Kalmalyzer commented 4 years ago

We would like to use test-bot, but that is hardcoded to use Bintray for bottle storage. Due to #90 we will not be investigating that further.