prebuilt-amiga-dev-tools / vasmm68k-build

vasmm68k pre-built for Windows, Linux and MacOS
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Ensure release tag matches version setting #83

Open Kalmalyzer opened 4 years ago

Kalmalyzer commented 4 years ago

If the release tag mismatches the setting, strange errors can occur. We should have a test at the beginning of publishing that ensures these two are in sync.

Kalmalyzer commented 4 years ago

... the reason we need this test in the first place, is that we trigger a release by pushing a tag, but we fetch the build configuration (including version number) from the repository's contents.

If we had a different mechanism - not pushing a tag, just signalling "it is time to kick off a release" - perhaps a repository_dispatch event after all - then perhaps we could have the tagging as part of the release process, handled by the workers. They could tag when a release has completed successfully for example.

Kalmalyzer commented 4 years ago

Then again, repository dispatch events require a token. Managing tokens is messy. make release, perhaps that command should not take any input args?