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Integrate blog posts on website #402

Open uekerman opened 2 months ago

uekerman commented 2 months ago

Blog posts live on Discourse. Currently we link from the button "blog" in the header to the news category on Discourse. It would be nice if we could integrate the content directly on the website somehow without duplication. Could also be important for SEO?

Connected to #146 ?

MakisH commented 2 months ago

I am not sure if integrating the whole post on the website would help, but I see the argument of SEO because of having new content, or because of including (even) more content. But I think that linking for each post to Discourse shows where the community lives.

Looking at other examples, I think that Ubuntu maintains a blog on their website (more oriented towards customers) and a separate announcements category on their Discourse. That's probably too much for us.

How about a small section displaying the 3-4 latest titles from Discourse, between the "Welcome to preCICE" and the "Prepared for the..."? Would show some activity, without overloading too much (more).

uekerman commented 1 month ago

How about a small section displaying the 3-4 latest titles from Discourse, between the "Welcome to preCICE" and the "Prepared for the..."? Would show some activity, without overloading too much (more).

Sounds good. You mean to manually curate this section then, right?

MakisH commented 1 month ago

You mean to manually curate this section then, right?

No, I meant a dynamic list that shows the newest threads using the Discourse API.