precice / systemtests

Testing preCICE / solver combinations using Docker
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Test NP in fenicsadapter #100

Open BenjaminRodenberg opened 4 years ago

BenjaminRodenberg commented 4 years ago introduces nearest projection (NP) in the fenicsadapter. We already have a test case, where is run:


In this test case, the LEFT part of the domain (Dirichlet problem = receives temperature from right part of the domain as Dirichlet BC) has a low resolution, while the RIGHT part of the domain has a high resolution. Here, Nearest neighbor (NN) is sufficient, since the temperature values that LEFT receives from RIGHT are exact anyway: no mapping is needed, since the nodes coincide. The situation is different for RIGHT: here interpolation is required. However, since the heat flux that RIGHT receives is constant along the whole coupling edge, NN does not introduce an error. already provides a good test case: If LEFT uses a high resolution and RIGHT a course one, we need a higher order interpolation scheme (=NP) in order to not introduce any error, when the temperature is mapped from RIGHT to LEFT. We should implement this test and make sure that:

  1. if NN is used the test fails and
  2. if NP is used the test succeeds
BenjaminRodenberg commented 4 years ago

This code snippet might help to automatically generate fitting right-hand-sides for a given manufactured solution.