precice / vm

Vagrant box with preCICE and examples preinstalled
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Make the XFCE desktop more familiar for Windows users #95

Open fsimonis opened 4 months ago

fsimonis commented 4 months ago

The XFCE desktop looks pretty outdated and can be confusing to use especially for people coming from Windows.

Given that XFCE is still one of the most lightweight desktops out there, we could try to theme it.

This one looks pretty good

MakisH commented 4 months ago

How to install:

Download the theme,

Just copy the extracted file to a '.themes'-folder you make in your home directory.

This sounds easy.

Then use Window-Managerl and select the theme. Use Appearance and select the theme.

Any clue how to do this from the provisioning scripts, especially without a first login?

fsimonis commented 4 months ago

This should do the trick

xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -s "Prof-XFCE-theme"