precision-sustainable-ag / dst-selector
MIT License
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update flooding options for MCCC and make it filter crops #531

Closed mikahpinegar closed 6 months ago

mikahpinegar commented 9 months ago

What's wrong

What done looks like

Where the changes need to be made

Adamws33 commented 8 months ago

Pull flooding options from the backend?

mikahpinegar commented 8 months ago

trevor has an endpoint that will return all of the options that are in use for an attribute for a specific set of regions. example call below

{{selector_service_url}}/v2/attribute?label=flooding frequency&regions=17&regions=76

it contains a list of display label and value pairs that will be used for filtering. all of the possible labels should be mapped over and displayed on the front end. the corresponding values should be used to filter down the crops