Each tool has a variety of different charts that are used inconsistently. It would be ideal to know which chart to use when.
In addition, all charts should better fit with the variety of information that they might need to display
Stakeholder Point of Contact
"Which chart and when? Let's develop some guidelines and rules about the different types of charts that we need, how they fit into the number changes, and what type of chart is appropriate when. Users want the tool to more easily support mixes with many species, such as mixes with 10 or 20 species In some places we overuse charts (ie. we have charts displaying a single datapoint).
Specific requests include:
As a user, it would be nice if the mix diversity recognized different species in the same vegetation category.
An example has four species of grasses. It would be nice if the mix diversity had four shades of blue, or some other indicator to show that this is a diverse mix.
Charts on the "Review Mix" screen need to be better contained, it's difficult to see what titles and labels correspond to each graph.
The numbers overlap on the pie charts in the "Review Proportions" step
“Bar chart on management decisions in rate calculator was confusing. Pie chart on mix was helpful”
As a user, I want units to be more visible and present across the board, but especially for the mix total. I would also like a warning or caution if it's too high or two low.
Consider how they present on mobile and ranges of data on each.
Apply consistent units and labelling
Consider when to use legends vs labels
All axes, charts, and data are well labelled with clear units
Stakeholder Point of Contact
"Which chart and when? Let's develop some guidelines and rules about the different types of charts that we need, how they fit into the number changes, and what type of chart is appropriate when. Users want the tool to more easily support mixes with many species, such as mixes with 10 or 20 species In some places we overuse charts (ie. we have charts displaying a single datapoint). Specific requests include: