Closed kenips closed 10 years ago
I'm not sure what do you mean by labcoat mappings. Labcoat is served by apache, being a javascript application. If you mean the mappings for precog platform, then, below, is a simplified version of what we used in production. I removed extraneous stuff such as fine tuning settings for our servers, redundancy and legacy services, and tried to keep the basic mappings used.
frontend http
bind *:80
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/maincert-chain.pem crt /etc/haproxy/certs ciphers HIGH:MEDIUM:!ADH
acl ANALYTICS_PATH path_beg /analytics/v1
acl META_PATH path_beg /meta/v1
acl INGEST_PATH path_beg /ingest/v1
acl SECURITY_PATH path_beg /security/v1
acl ACCOUNTS_PATH path_beg /accounts/v1
acl JOBS_PATH path_beg /jobs/v1
acl ANALYTICS_HEALTH path_beg /blueeyes/services/analytics/
acl INGEST_HEALTH path_beg /blueeyes/services/ingest/
acl SECURITY_HEALTH path_beg /blueeyes/services/security/
acl ACCOUNTS_HEALTH path_beg /blueeyes/services/accounts/
acl JOBS_HEALTH path_beg /blueeyes/services/jobs/
acl HAS_SSL ssl_fc
# Block external access to accounts -- all blocks apply before any use_backend rule
use_backend service_ingest if INGEST_PATH or INGEST_HEALTH
use_backend service_security if SECURITY_PATH or SECURITY_HEALTH
use_backend service_accounts if ACCOUNTS_PATH HAS_SSL or ACCOUNTS_HEALTH
use_backend service_query if ANALYTICS_PATH or META_PATH or ACCOUNTS_HEALTH
use_backend service_jobs if JOBS_PATH or JOBS_HEALTH
# IDE requests go to apache for servicing
acl labcoat_req hdr_dom(host) -i labcoat
acl builder_req hdr_dom(host) -i builder
acl local_req hdr_dom(host) -i <%= node[:hostname] %>
use_backend localapache if labcoat_req or local_req or builder_req
default_backend service_query
backend service_ingest
reqrep ^([^\ ]*)\ /ingest/v1/(.*) \1\ /ingest/v2/\2
option httpchk GET /ingest/v2/health
server local_ingest01 localhost:30060 check observe layer7
backend service_security
option httpchk GET /security/v1/health
server local_security01 localhost:30062 check observe layer7
backend service_accounts
option httpchk GET /accounts/v1/health
server local_accounts01 localhost:30064 check observe layer7
backend service_jobs
option httpchk GET /jobs/v1/health
server local_jobs01 localhost:30066 check observe layer7
backend service_query
# Query handles queries and metadata now
reqrep ^([^\ ]*)\ /analytics/v1/(.*) \1\ /analytics/v2/analytics/\2
reqrep ^([^\ ]*)\ /meta/v1/(.*) \1\ /analytics/v2/meta/\2
option httpchk GET /analytics/v2/health
server local_shard01 localhost:30070 check observe layer7
backend localapache
server localapache localhost:20000
yep - that's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks @dcsobral. Will close once I can confirm if this works.
We'd like to get labcoat running but we have a couple mappings to figure out. Is it possible for you guys to post your HAProxy mapping?