preetampothala / ATLAS-iOS-Fall-22

Repository for class ATLAS-IOS-Fall-22
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App Idea Feedback #1

Open zef opened 1 year ago

zef commented 1 year ago

Hey Preetam! So many ideas! That's great :)

Do you have an idea about what you would most like to do?

The college app seems interesting and there would be a lot to do on it. I think it could be challenging in terms of data, like where do you get the events and other types of data?

Dressup seems like it could make a good sample project. I think a lot of that would also be asking:

We also are in such a casual place in terms of dress code in our current culture here in Colorado, I feel like there's not a lot of variance for many people!

Wakeup app should be very doable with Apple's geolocation APIs. This is usually called "Geofencing". That might be interesting for a small app, but I think you would need some extra features or something else to work on too because I think the scope is probably a little small. Also iOS does support geofenced reminders — like you can say "Remind me to wake up when I reach x location" and Apple will create a reminder that goes off when you get there. Although, I'm not sure if you can configure it to be good for waking you up, so maybe there is a place for an app that can do that better.

I had an idea like that before Apple had those types of reminders built-in to the system that I called "Remind Me When" 😄

You have clearly put a lot of thought and work into your selfcare app! Is that something you'd like to continue working on and see become a reality? If so, I think it's always good to have something real to build, so that could be cool to work on.