prefiks / u2f4moz

U2F support extension for Firefox
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
197 stars 15 forks source link

Please consider putting (symlink to or) install.rdf file in root of repo. #26

Closed ghost closed 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Fantastic extension. Thank you so much! Sadly Firefox does not auto-update as extension has not been approved (yet). As it's a security thing I'd rather have the latest and I keep forgetting to check.

Per GitHub Extension Installer : "extension files are placed in the root of the repo. If that is the case (ie, a install.rdf file is found there), a new button will be added in the right-bottom side of the page as shown on the screenshot."

prefiks commented 8 years ago

Looks like this extension requires to have extension code directly in root folder of repository (aka everything that is inside ext/ will need to be put in root of repository), additionally binary parts used to talk to usb device (that are compiled for different platforms from content of c_src) aren't part of this repository, so in current version it wouldn't be possible to generate xpi from content from this repo by just zipping all files from it.

I will try to deploy server serving auto-update information for this extension, at least until this get accepted by AMO.

prefiks commented 8 years ago

Auto-updates are now live, but you would probably need to install xpi from (this version has informations pointing to update url).

ghost commented 8 years ago

Oh that's great, thank you! Very speedy response too (unlike mine, sorry!).

Testing! Testing!

ghost commented 8 years ago

All good. No problems experienced, and auto-updates.