❯ pixi global list
WARN The environments are not in sync with the manifest, to sync run
pixi global sync
Global environments as specified in '/Users/j/.pixi/manifests/pixi-global.toml'
└── atool2: 0.2
└─ exposes: adiff, als, atool, aunpack, acat, arepack, apack
❯ pixi global sync
✔ Environment atool2 was already up-to-date.
✔ Removed exposed executables from environment atool2:
- acat
- adiff
- als
- apack
- arepack
- atool
- aunpack
✔ Exposed executables from environment atool2:
- acat
- adiff
- als
- apack
- arepack
- atool
- aunpack
❯ pixi global list
Global environments as specified in '/Users/j/.pixi/manifests/pixi-global.toml'
└── atool2: 0.2
└─ exposes: atool, arepack, aunpack, als, acat, adiff, apack
Looks like a no-op but at the same time doesn't look like a no-op because the suggestion to run global sync goes away. A bit confusing.
Looks like a no-op but at the same time doesn't look like a no-op because the suggestion to run
global sync
goes away. A bit confusing.