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Add NCI abbreviations to registry #12

Open jmcmurry opened 6 years ago

jmcmurry commented 6 years ago Not sure how many of these are resolvable.

Source Description
AOD Alcohol and Other Drug Thesaurus, 2000
AOT Authorized Osteopathic Thesaurus, 2003
BioC BioCarta online maps of molecular pathways, adapted for NCI use, 2017_06D
BRIDG Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model, 2017_06D
CARELEX Content Archive Resource Exchange Lexicon, 2017_06D
CBO Clinical Bioinformatics Ontology, 2011_02
CCS_10 Clinical Classifications Software, 2016
CDC U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017_06D
CDISC Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, 2017_06D
COSTAR COSTAR, 1989-1995
CRCH Cancer Research Center of Hawaii Nutrition Terminology, 2017_06D
CSP CRISP Thesaurus, 2006
CTCAE Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, 2017_06D
CTEP Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, 2004
CTEP-SDC Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program - Simple Disease Classification, 2017_06D
CVX Vaccines Administered, 2016_09_07
DCP NCI Division of Cancer Prevention Program, 2017_06D
DICOM Digital Imaging Communications in Medicine, 2017_06D
DRUGBANK DrugBank, 5.0_2016_06_22
DTP NCI Developmental Therapeutics Program, 2017_06D
DXP DXplain, 1994
FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2017_06D
FMA Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology, 4_0
GAIA Global Alignment of Immunization Safety Assessment in pregnancy, 2017_06D
GARD Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center, 2015_04
GENC Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes Standard, 2017_06D
GO Gene Ontology, 2016_05_01
HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System, 2016
HGNC HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, 2016_04
HL7V3.0 HL7 Vocabulary Version 3.0, 2015_07
HPO Human Phenotype Ontology, 2016_07_04
ICD10 ICD10, 2010
ICD10CM International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition, Clinical Modification, 2017
ICD10PCS ICD-10-PCS, 2017
ICD9CM International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, 2014
ICDO International Classification of Disease for Oncology, 3_1
ICH International Conference on Harmonization, 2017_06D
ICPC International Classification of Primary Care, 1993
ISO3166-2 International Organization for Standardization 3166-2, 2012
JAX Jackson Laboratories Mouse Terminology, adapted for NCI use, 2017_06D
KEGG KEGG Pathway Database, 2017_06D
MCM McMaster University Epidemiology Terms, 1992
MDBCAC Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer, 2005_12
MDR Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), 20.0
MEDLINEPLUS MedlinePlus Health Topics, 20151021
MGED MGED Ontology, 131
MSH Medical Subject Headings, 2017_2016_08_12
MTH UMLS Metathesaurus, 2016AB
MTHCMSFRF Metathesaurus CMS Formulary Reference File, MTHCMSFRF_2014
MTHHH Metathesaurus HCPCS Hierarchical Terms, 2016
MTHICD9 International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, Metathesaurus additional entry terms, 2014
MTHMST Metathesaurus Version of Minimal Standard Terminology Digestive Endoscopy, 2001
MTHSPL Metathesaurus FDA Structured Product Labels, 2016_08_24
MVX Manufacturers of Vaccines, 2016_09_07
NCBI NCBI Taxonomy, 2016_03_21
NCI National Cancer Institute Thesaurus, 2017_06D
NCI-GLOSS NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms, 2017_06D
NCI-HGNC NCI HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, 2017_06D
NCI-HL7 NCI Health Level 7, 2017_06D
NCIMTH NCI Metathesaurus
NCISEER NCI SEER ICD Neoplasm Code Mappings, 1999
NCPDP National Council for Prescription Drug Programs, 2017_06D
NDFRT National Drug File, 2016_09_06
NDFRT_FDASPL National Drug File - FDASPL, 2016_09_06
NDFRT_FMTSME National Drug File - FMTSME, 2016_09_06
NICHD National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2017_06D
NPO NPO: NanoParticle Ontology for Cancer Nanotechnology Research, 2011_12_08
OMIM Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, 2016_04_17
PDQ Physician Data Query, 2016_07_31
PI-RADS Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System, 2017_06D
PID National Cancer Institute Nature Pathway Interaction Database, 2017_06D
PMA Portfolio Management Application, 2010
PNDS Perioperative Nursing Data Set, 3rd edition, 2011
QMR Quick Medical Reference (QMR), 1996
RADLEX RadLex, 3_14
RENI Registry Nomenclature Information System, 2017_06D
RXNORM RxNorm Vocabulary, 16AA_160906F
SNOMEDCT_US US Edition of SNOMED CT, 2017_03_01
SOP Source of Payment Typology, 6
SPN Standard Product Nomenclature, 2003
SRC Metathesaurus Source Terminology Names
UCUM Unified Code for Units of Measure, 2017_06D
UMD UMDNS: product category thesaurus, 2016
USPMG USP Medicare Model Guidelines, 2014
UWDA University of Washington Digital Anatomist, 1.7.3
VANDF Veterans Health Administration National Drug File, 2016_07_22
ZFIN Zebrafish Model Organism Database, 2017_06D