prefrontalcortex / DomeTools

Highly efficient realtime fulldome toolkit for Unity. Supports a novel single-view Dome Warp approach and traditional cubemap rendering. Supports NDI Video and Audio.
MIT License
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Support 360° footage #31

Open hybridherbst opened 3 months ago

hybridherbst commented 3 months ago

It would be great if we could support more types of footage out of the box. Currently, we only support DomeMaster 1:1 aspect footage.

However, we could probably detect the intended format by looking at the aspect ratio, and e.g. assume that 2:1 video is equirectangular 360° video footage, and then show the top half of that (or provide playback options).

Additionally, there's 180° formats like the ones produced by Vision Pro, where it would be interesting to check if we can at least provide guidance on how to reformat it for Dome playback.