preister / Celts_Altis_Life

Celts Clan Arma 3 Altis Life RPG Multiplayer mission
6 stars 5 forks source link

Strange Steal cable sticking into the air at the Air Garage #22

Closed preister closed 9 years ago

preister commented 9 years ago


Duubz commented 9 years ago

Could be the fast rope cable from a chopper. There's a bug if you put the chopper in the garage with the ropes out. There was a fix in the tutorial which I kinda never got round to sorting. Saying that though, there should be multiple cables, not just one.

preister commented 9 years ago

We need to check if its still around ^^, might be worth taking a look at the zip rope code - one idea would be to make the ropes disappear automatically ones a heli is moving over a certain speed or lands?

Duubz commented 9 years ago

Below is the fix posted in the tutorial by midgetgrimm

Simply go into MISSION\core\actions\fn_storeVehicle.sqf

Add into your private array - "_ropes" Like so private["_nearVehicles","_vehicle","_ropes"];

then at the bottom below life_garage_store = true;

_ropes = (_vehicle getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]); {deletevehicle _x} foreach _ropes; _vehicle setvariable ["zlt_ropes", [], true];

preister commented 9 years ago

sweet! (btw what would you think about adding swing loads for helis? but very limited as in no trucks or other stuff which is just simply too heavy to be carried by a heli.

Duubz commented 9 years ago

that would be awesome! I could certainly see the police using something like this a lot :P