premake / premake-xcode

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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"name 'xcodebuildsettings' in use" error message #12

Closed fzwoch closed 9 years ago

fzwoch commented 9 years ago

Current master seems to have broken xcode4 module for me

$ premake5 xcode4
Building configurations...
Error: [string "xcode/_preload.lua"]:2: name 'xcodebuildsettings' in use

sample premake.lua

solution "tiny_vcp_server_solution"
    configurations { "debug", "release" }

    project "tiny_vcp_server"
        kind "ConsoleApp"
        language "C"
        files { "*.c" }
starkos commented 9 years ago

I can reproduce this here with the latest release builds.

fzwoch commented 9 years ago

Follow up on this one. It does work when I run premake5 from the build directory:

$ bin/release/premake5 --file=../test/premake5.lua xcode4
Building configurations...
Running action 'xcode4'...
Generating ../test/test.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata...
Generating ../test/test.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj...

But the error appears the other way round:

$ ../premake-core/bin/release/premake5 xcode4
Building configurations...
Error: [string "src/_premake_main.lua"]:159: [string "xcode/_preload.lua"]:2: name 'xcodebuildsettings' in use

Not sure what exactly is different in these cases. I assume it loads things differently somehow?

starkos commented 9 years ago

I just merged a fix. Can you try it and confirm?

fzwoch commented 9 years ago

Confirmed working. Xcode project generation now again works when called from outside the premake working tree. Thanks!