premganz / SeleniumPageObjects

An implementation of the Page Object Pattern in Selenium along with a bunch of other features like KeyWords for oft used Webdriver calls, driver lifecycle management, effective logging and Test Script Templates
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ProcessMonitor fixes #39

Open premganz opened 8 years ago

premganz commented 8 years ago

When the webdriver timeouts, ie hangs , it is probably due to some third party dependencies like IEDriverServer.exe getting struck irrecoverably. Then the way out of the test is to kill off the process by OS Commands. The way to do till 1.4.6 is to run a paralell monitoring thread that polls the running processes and checks it periodiclly to isolate long running processes and then kills them (subject to clearance from OSRestrictedCommandRouter). To do in 1.4.7 the method is to be modified to killoff all suspect processes listed in the AppConfig rather than polling and repolling the long running PIDs. All other safeguards to remain

premganz commented 8 years ago

Fixed in 1.4.7 but code cleanup yet to do