premgopalan / svinet

Efficient discovery of overlapping communities in massive networks PK Gopalan, DM Blei Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (36), 14534-14539
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The class member variable "link_thresh" in class Env is always zero? #4

Open crescentluna opened 10 years ago

crescentluna commented 10 years ago

The class member variable "link_thresh" in class Env is never assigned and always set to default 0. In the constructor of class Env , the passed parameter has the same name "link_thresh". Although this parameter "link_thresh" is set to 0.5, it is not assigned to the class member variable "link_thresh", since the later is often used in other codes. The same cases to other class member variable "lt_min_deg" and "gap".