premieroctet / gatsby-remark-images-zoom

👀 Bring medium-zoom to gatsby-remark-images
35 stars 4 forks source link

Will Not Unzoom #1

Open semireg opened 5 years ago

semireg commented 5 years ago

This looks like a great start to a plugin I'm in need of. Awesome. However, I can't get the images to unzoom.

I'm using as the starter with this configuration.

  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
      options: {
        plugins: [
            resolve: `gatsby-remark-images`,
            options: {
              maxWidth: 300,
              linkImagesToOriginal: false,
      resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
      options: {
        name: 'images',
        path: `${__dirname}/src/data/images/`,

2019-05-19 at 3 43 PM

I get the unzoom cursor, but it doesn't do anything.

2019-05-19 at 3 43 PM


baptadn commented 5 years ago

Hello @semireg, is the overlay unzooms when you scroll down? Can you reproduce the issue in and send me the link?

kylecrsn commented 5 years ago

I get the same issue as @semireg, you can continue to scroll up/down the page but nothing is clickable through the overlay (ie scrolling does not zoom you out), requires you to refresh the page to escape it.

kylecrsn commented 5 years ago

After investigating this some more, I noticed that the smooth animation while zooming in also wasn't working, which made me wonder if maybe these problems were only in the development environment (gatsby develop) and not in the production environment (gatsby build & serve).

Turns out that was the case, neither of those issues were present when actually deployed, so this is something to do with how the app is running when in development. Hope that helps

JaeYeopHan commented 5 years ago

@semireg how about using this?:

DenysVuika commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that this plugin suddenly stopped working with all the issues mentioned above.