premii / hn

Hacker News mobile app
MIT License
264 stars 37 forks source link

Forked for significant refactoring #23

Open amilajack opened 8 years ago

amilajack commented 8 years ago

I have forked this project and have already made significant contributions towards modernizing it. Here's the list of added support and improvements:

I plan on adding / migrating to:

@premii It would be nice if you or other contributors can contribute to my fork, which I hope will be merged later when finished

thomasfl commented 8 years ago

Sounds good. Lot's of things has happened since hn was realeased. The UI is very good and the codebase is rather small. Hope that won't change to much.

amilajack commented 8 years ago

None of the UI will change. The changes are only architectural changes and added tools. Adding react will probably reduce the amount of code and make it significantly easer to reason about.

thomasfl commented 8 years ago

Yes, the code should be much easier to read if rewritten with react. Do you plan to use the Touchstone UI library for react or create a new UI library? I have never used touchstone, but guess it can be tweaked to look like the HN app.

amilajack commented 8 years ago

I'm not really changing any of the html or css. I'm just refactoring to react, simplifying the logic of the application, and taking advantage of modern API's (such as fetch and maybe ServiceWorker in the future.)

amilajack commented 8 years ago

Also, do you have read/write access to the repo? Even if i make all these changes, I'm not sure if they will be merged because the repo owner doesn't seem to be active anymore.

thomasfl commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I don't have write rights. I've just used the hn app as a template app before I started to use ionic.