premnirmal / StockTicker

A resizable widget that shows your financial portfolio on your android home screen
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Lost portfolio data after update #229

Closed UnnamedGitHubUser closed 2 years ago

UnnamedGitHubUser commented 2 years ago

It looks like my app updated automatically overnight and I lost a large widget and portfolio that I had on my home screen. I cannot find a backup or way to restore what was approximately 40 stocks in my portfolio as well as holdings. Any suggestions as to how I can restore this quickly before it gets overwritten? The widget that was on my home screen is gone and when I go in the settings in the app there is a small portfolio that doesn't match my prior data.

spmulders commented 2 years ago

Same here, lost my complete portfolio and as a consequence the two widgets I had stopped working. Any idea for a fix?

premnirmal commented 2 years ago

I am not sure what has caused this bug, but it could be because the widget was renamed from StockWidget to StocksWidgetProvider (see I will rename it back to see if it fixes the issue

dirk-de-bugger commented 2 years ago

Had the same issue. Also the widget disappeared. But after some time not looking at it (been busy) my portfilio reappeared. Maybe force close helps?

fastshow commented 2 years ago

Same here, lost my entire portfolio and the widget just shows the placeholder StockWidget icon. If it helps diagnose the issue, mine seems to have reverted back to a portfolio I had about 10 or 12 months ago. Also, if I search for stocks I previously had in my portfolio prior to this update, it shows the minus rather than plus icon, so somewhere internally it is still tracking what was in my list of stocks.

premnirmal commented 2 years ago

Attempted a fix in version 3.9.744:

fastshow commented 2 years ago

Attempted a fix in version 3.9.744: 11829cf

That did it although it had brought back an old holding that wasn't present before the update. Also, now you've added last/next fetch at the top on 2-lines, it's made my previously non-scrolling 6-line widget require a scroll, any chance you can reduce the fetch times to a single line or give an option to toggle it off?

Edit - ignore, changing text to small resolved, thanks for the quick fix on the disappearing portfolio issue!

wilx commented 2 years ago

Is the .744 build supposed to return the lost portfolio? Because it did not fix it for me.

wilx commented 2 years ago

OK. The .745 version fixed it for me. My portfolio is back.