premnirmal / StockTicker

A resizable widget that shows your financial portfolio on your android home screen
GNU General Public License v3.0
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F-Droid can't pick up new releases #269

Closed licaon-kter closed 2 years ago

licaon-kter commented 2 years ago


app/ not found in tag 3.9.770


premnirmal commented 2 years ago

The version name and code is now calculated using the git tag. Is f-droid able to infer those?

See and

licaon-kter commented 2 years ago

Is f-droid able to infer those?

Not during checkupdate, the bot is not allowed (for now) to run scripts/functions.

/typo: not

premnirmal commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to update the bot to run a script to extract the version name and code? If not I'll have to re-add the file but it'll exclusively be for f-droid and I'd rather not add a file that I may forget to update

licaon-kter commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to update the bot to run a script to extract the version name and code?

Extract from where? It was doing this until now, extracting from app/

I'd rather not add a file that I may forget to update

Well then you/we/someone would need to remember to open a MR on fdroiddata to update the app.

premnirmal commented 2 years ago

Extract from where? It was doing this until now, extracting from app/

From the git tag. See and

licaon-kter commented 2 years ago

Extract =/= Run a script/functions, in my book.

Maybe you mean "calculate" :)

Like I said, no calculation, no execution.

premnirmal commented 2 years ago

Ok just saw the typo correction in your comment - looks like the file is the only solution for now. I will re-add that file and maintain it until f-droid can run a script to 'calculate' the version from the git tag

premnirmal commented 2 years ago

Added the file in

Can the bot run on this head or does it need a new tag for it to execute?

licaon-kter commented 2 years ago

Needs a Tag