premnirmal / StockTicker

A resizable widget that shows your financial portfolio on your android home screen
GNU General Public License v3.0
441 stars 116 forks source link

Only show % change #301

Closed olundberg closed 1 year ago

olundberg commented 1 year ago

On my old phone using this app I could choose between permantly showing % change only.

I bought a new phone now, and the newer version of this widget is constantly (with a few seconds) changing between absolut change and % change?

Is there a way to only have % change?

premnirmal commented 1 year ago

@olundberg yes - go into the app then click widget settings then change 'widget type' to 'fixed'.

Then on the widget tap on the change to toggle between change and % change

olundberg commented 1 year ago
