prenticedavid / MCUFRIEND_kbv

MCUFRIEND_kbv Library for Uno 2.4, 2.8, 3.5, 3.6, 3.95 inch mcufriend Shields
358 stars 177 forks source link


Closed kefeur closed 2 years ago

kefeur commented 2 years ago

<Serial.println(g_identifier, HEX); //tft.begin(0x9488); //tft.begin(0x5393); tft.begin(0x7793);//to enable ST7793 driver code> Im using ST7793 Driver ic for open-smart uno r3 air and 3.5"tft . This code should control the display, but unfortunately it doesn't work. No reaction, it's all white. What could be the problem ? I've tried a lot of code, but it's not good. // GND -- GND // 3V3 -- 3.3V // CS -- A3 // RS -- A2 // WR -- A1 // RD -- A0 // RST -- RESET // LED -- GND // DB0 -- 8 // DB1 -- 9 // DB2 -- 10 // DB3 -- 11 // DB4 -- 4 // DB5 -- 13 // DB6 -- 6 // DB7 -- 7 Pinout is correct ? Thank's for answer.

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

Pinout looks correct. Note that RST is n.c. on OpenSmart Shields.

#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) && defined(USE_OPENSMART_SHIELD_PINOUT_UNO)
//LCD pins  |D7 |D6 |D5 |D4 |D3 |D2 |D1 |D0 | |RD |WR |RS |CS |RST|
//AVR   pin |PD7|PD6|PB5|PD4|PB3|PB2|PB1|PB0| |PC0|PC1|PC2|PC3|PD2|
//UNO pins  |7  |6  |13 |4  |11 |10 |9  |8  | |A0 |A1 |A2 |A3 |2  |

As far as I know the R3 AIR connects the TFT just like the OpenSmart Shields. So you plug the OpenSmart 3.3V panel into the special socket on the AIR. You switch to 3.3V logic.

You configure USE_SPECIAL and USE_OPENSMART_SHIELD_PINOUT_UNO as described in the how_to file

tft.readID() should work fine on the AIR. What ID is reported on the Serial Terminal when you run graphictest_kbv.ino ?


kefeur commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the reply . I see the following when I run the test: TFT LCD test Using OPENSMART 3.2" TFT Breakout Board Pinout TFT size is 240x320 Serial took 0ms to start ID = 0x5393

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

I would expect ID to be 0x7793 So the Hi-byte is wrong in two bits i.e. bit5 and bit3 are reading 0.

If you had used Dupont cables I would be suspicious. But a ready-made 3.3V display plugged into a ready-made AIR board should be reliable.

You can try forcing 0x7793 e.g.


I have never tested a ST7793. SPFD5420, ST7793, ILI9326, R61509V share identical code.


kefeur commented 2 years ago

Thanks David. I received a download link from the seller for the product I purchased. It’s practically the things you write in it. I tested if tft is not connected then I get ID: 0xD3D3. I have two tft modules, they behave exactly the same.

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

Looking at the ST7793 datasheet, there are a few differences between R61509V and ST7793 Manufacturer Registers.

However these do not account for the wrong ID.

What happens if you install the OpenSmart libraries and examples ?

As I said earlier, I have never tested ST7793. Someone probably asked and I said try 0xB509 (Renesas R61509V) because the registers were similar. I presume that they reported success or I would not have added support for 0x7793.


kefeur commented 2 years ago

The OpenSmart libraries not working. Do the results of this test help you?

Read Special Registers on MCUFRIEND UNO shield controllers either read as single 16-bit e.g. the ID is at readReg(0) or as a sequence of 8-bit values in special locations (first is dummy)

diagnose any controller reg(0x0000) 00 00 ID: ILI9320, ILI9325, ILI9335, ... reg(0x0004) 57 97 57 97 Manufacturer ID reg(0x0009) 08 08 08 08 08 Status Register reg(0x000A) 08 08 Get Power Mode reg(0x000C) 5F 9F Get Pixel Format reg(0x0030) 20 31 20 31 20 PTLAR reg(0x0033) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 VSCRLDEF reg(0x0061) 20 20 RDID1 HX8347-G reg(0x0062) 20 20 RDID2 HX8347-G reg(0x0063) 20 20 RDID3 HX8347-G reg(0x0064) 24 24 RDID1 HX8347-A reg(0x0065) 24 24 RDID2 HX8347-A reg(0x0066) 24 24 RDID3 HX8347-A reg(0x0067) 24 24 RDID Himax HX8347-A reg(0x0070) 20 20 Panel Himax HX8347-A reg(0x00A1) 20 20 20 20 20 RD_DDB SSD1963 reg(0x00B0) 20 20 RGB Interface Signal Control reg(0x00B3) 20 20 20 20 20 Frame Memory reg(0x00B4) 24 24 Frame Mode reg(0x00B6) 24 24 24 24 24 Display Control reg(0x00B7) 24 24 Entry Mode Set reg(0x00BF) 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C ILI9481, HX8357-B reg(0x00C0) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Panel Control reg(0x00C1) 00 00 00 00 Display Timing reg(0x00C5) 04 04 Frame Rate reg(0x00C8) 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 GAMMA reg(0x00CC) 0C 0C Panel Control reg(0x00D0) 00 00 00 00 Power Control reg(0x00D1) 00 00 00 00 VCOM Control reg(0x00D2) 00 00 00 Power Normal reg(0x00D3) 00 00 00 00 ILI9341, ILI9488 reg(0x00D4) 04 04 04 04 Novatek reg(0x00DA) 08 08 RDID1 reg(0x00DB) 08 08 RDID2 reg(0x00DC) 0C 0C RDID3 reg(0x00E0) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 GAMMA-P reg(0x00E1) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 GAMMA-N reg(0x00EF) 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C ILI9327 reg(0x00F2) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Adjust Control 2 reg(0x00F6) 24 24 24 24 Interface Control TFT LCD test Using OPENSMART 3.2" TFT Breakout Board Pinout TFT size is 240x320 Serial took 0ms to start ID = 0x5393 Benchmark Time (microseconds) Screen fill TFT LCD test Using OPENSMART 3.2" TFT Breakout Board Pinout TFT size is 240x320 Serial took 0ms to start ID = 0x5393 Benchmark Time (microseconds) Screen fill 4846592 Text 39392 Lines 1000380 Horiz/Vert Lines 79228 Rectangles (outline) 48588 Rectangles (filled) 1408860 Circles (filled) 622680 Circles (outline) 399052 Triangles (outline) 169560 Triangles (filled) 947540 Rounded rects (outline) 134636 Rounded rects (filled) 1502524

kefeur commented 2 years ago

I have the solution . I had to replace the libraries. Everything works fine. Thank you for your patience!

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

You must change the defines in LCD_ID_readreg.ino to match your AIR pinout. Then you will see

diagnose any controller
reg(0x0000) 77 93 ID: ILI9320, ILI9325, ILI9335, ...

Please tell me which libraries worked. e.g. link to OpenSmart site, GitHub site, ...


prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

I can find this item via Google

It looks like your ST7793 + AIR bundle. There is no link to any software. I know that Open-Smart have hacked my library. They have never asked. I would like to see what they have done.


kefeur commented 2 years ago Here's the link to it. I overwrote the original directories with the ones I downloaded from the drive, of course I copied the arduino from the 7793 c/user/documentsarduino/libraries.. folder

kefeur commented 2 years ago

They may not be happy about it, but I sent it for you. I hope the link works for you too.

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the link. I have had a brief glance at C:\Users\David Prentice\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp1_[OPEN-SMART] UNO R3 Air + 3.5inch[OPEN-SMART] 3.5inch TFT LCD Breakout ST7793\Arduino library\OPENSMART_TFT\MCUFRIEND_kbv.cpp

Note that "Arduino library" folder seems to be duplicated in a nested ZIP.

I will have a look later this evening. i.e. to see what hacks they have done and to guess which Release (or Beta) they applied the hack.


kefeur commented 2 years ago

Your wellcome. For my part, the problem is solved. Can i close issue? or no? Shut up or leave the conversation?

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

I would dearly like to resolve 0x7793 in genuine MCUFRIEND_kbv Release v2.99

This would mean:

  1. delete any OpenSmart library.
  2. install MCUFRIEND_kbv via IDE Library Manager.
  3. editing utility/mcufriend_shield.h and utility/mcufriend_special.h for USE_SPECIAL and USE_OPENSMART_SHIELD_PINOUT_UNO
  4. running graphictest_kbv.ino from the examples
  5. editing the defines and running LCD_ID_readreg.ino e.g'
    //-- Arduino UNO OpenSmart Shield
    #define LCD_RST 2  //A4
    #define LCD_CS A3
    #define LCD_RS A2
    #define LCD_WR A1
    #define LCD_RD A0

define LCD_D0 8

define LCD_D1 9

define LCD_D2 10 //2

define LCD_D3 11 //3

define LCD_D4 4

define LCD_D5 13 //5

define LCD_D6 6

define LCD_D7 7

I have looked at the hacked OpenSmart files.   There is nothing substantially different in the 0x7793 code.
They hacked a VERY OLD version of MCUFRIEND_kbv

kefeur commented 2 years ago

I don't understand what you want due to translation problems?

kefeur commented 2 years ago

The original pinout is good! The problem is to be found elsewhere.

kefeur commented 2 years ago

I noticed that when it didn't work before the library changes, the LED on the D13 didn't flash either.

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

I make no secret of the fact that I come from England. And English is my only language.

It is helpful if GitHub and members simply quote their country. It means that others can use "Simplified English". And Google Translate can put it into your native language.

I gave clear instructions in my last message. I even numbered each step. If you do not understand something, you can just quote the step number. And then I can explain in more detail.

Life is easier if GitHub members Fork a project. But you can install a library via Arduino Library Manager and post messages on GitHub or forum.


kefeur commented 2 years ago

I respect your native language. I don't understand what you want because I don't have an open_smart directory and lib. I simply copied and overwrote the existing ones. Adafruit_GFX, OPENSMART_TFT directories in Arduino, and so it works.

kefeur commented 2 years ago

I can try the things you suggest on another computer. I don't want it to not work on this machine right now. I can only fix this later if it's not a problem.

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

Please delete the OPENSMART_TFT directory and install MCUFRIEND_kbv via the IDE Library Manager.

I gave numbered instructions.

If the genuine MCUFRIEND_kbv does not work, you can delete the MCUFRIEND_kbv directory. Copy the OPENSMART_TFT directory back to your Arduino libraries.

Please say which country. I can probably introduce you to your neighbour !


kefeur commented 2 years ago

I don't think the translation is good because you didn't understand what i wanted. Hungary is my country. What do I edit in 3. points?

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

From C:\Users\ .. \Documents\Arduino\libraries\Mcufriend_kbv\extras\mcufriend_how_to.txt

19. OPEN-SMART Shields have different wiring to regular Uno Shields:
    Edit utility/mcufriend_shield.h:  #define USE_SPECIAL
    Edit utility/mcufriend_special.h: #define USE_OPENSMART_SHIELD_PINOUT_xxx e.g. USE_OPENSMART_SHIELD_PINOUT_MEGA
    Edit MCUFRIEND_kbv.cpp:           #define SUPPORT_8352B

In your case, you only need to

    Edit utility/mcufriend_shield.h:  #define USE_SPECIAL
    Edit utility/mcufriend_special.h: #define USE_OPENSMART_SHIELD_PINOUT_UNO 

Yes, I know that this looks complicated. But you only do it once.
All the examples should work with your display.

Please let me know if this works. Especially if the colours are good or bad.


kefeur commented 2 years ago

Ok David . The code works well. The colors are right. The display resolution is incorrect

kefeur commented 2 years ago

IMG_20211204_235959ű-1 error

kefeur commented 2 years ago

I did tests and I see that tft.setRotation(0);, tft.setRotation(1); is good. tft.setRotation(2);, tft.setRotation(3); is not good because it shifts the beginning by about 30 pixels.

kefeur commented 2 years ago

If you ask, I can take a video of how grapictest_kbv works .....

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

Please post a video of the "RED" Penguin screen i.e. PORTRAIT_REV

The reason for the 32 rows of garbage is because the controller is 240x432 and your screen is 240x400. I can solve the shifted pixels for rotation 2 and 3. "Vertical Scroll" is always going to have the garbage pixels on a ST7793.


kefeur commented 2 years ago

Ok I'm making the video. Why is the top left 0.0?

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

0, 0 is just the convention for most controllers.

How are you getting on with the video? It it is difficult, just confirm that rotation 0, 1 work 100%. e.g. "BLUE" penguin and "GREEN" penguin. Then I can tell you how to fix 2, 3.


kefeur commented 2 years ago

Gray is not well received by the camera! The direction of the text is reversed relative to the line .... Examined in another code. I can't upload either avi or 3gp ... brrrrr

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

Do not worry about video. Your earlier photo is fine.

If you have mirrored text or wrong colours, just take a photo of the penguin screen.

To fix the shifted picture in rotation 2, 3 edit MCUFRIEND_kbv.cpp Look for the following sequence.

void MCUFRIEND_kbv::setAddrWindow(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t x1, int16_t y1)
#if defined(OFFSET_9327)
    if (_lcd_ID == 0x9327) {
        if (rotation == 2) y += OFFSET_9327, y1 += OFFSET_9327;
        if (rotation == 3) x += OFFSET_9327, x1 += OFFSET_9327;

change the if line to say

    if (_lcd_ID == 0x9327 || _lcd_ID == 0x7793) {

If photos are difficult. Just say which penguin and what the problem is.


kefeur commented 2 years ago

Nothing videos can be uploaded here, very bad!

kefeur commented 2 years ago

Please provide skype or messenger contact and I'll show you in a live video ...

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

People put a video on YouTube. Then post a link to the site. Or you could ZIP up a short video clip. And attach the ZIP file to your GitHub message.

It would be much easier to just edit MCUFRIEND_kbv.cpp and report back in a regular message. e.g.

PORTRAIT (0 Blue penguin): ok LANDSCAPE (1): colours wrong PORTRAIT_REV (2): text reversed LANDSCAPE_REV (3) : picture shifted 32 pixels.


kefeur commented 2 years ago

OK. tft.begin(0x7793); tft.reset(); tft.setRotation(3); tft.fillScreen(BLACK); tft.setCursor(0, 0); tft.setTextColor(GREEN); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.print("Zero Test_1"); tft.fillRect(255, 0, 30, 90,MAGENTA ); small code.... the text is inverted to the box penguin is ok. IMG_20211205_171555

kefeur commented 2 years ago

That's good?

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

First off. Report how the graphictest_kbv.ino example was good or bad.

In your "small code" Omit the tft.reset();statement. If you use reset() you should call begin() afterwards.

But it is much better to run the library examples. I know how they should look.


kefeur commented 2 years ago

It's been 1 hour to upload .... I didn't say you know what it should look like, it's the other way around I don’t know what the things in the library should look like, but only 3 work in total. Sd..bmp isn't good either, it doesn't read the sd card. You will see the video soon I hope.

kefeur commented 2 years ago

kefeur commented 2 years ago My code works, the one in the library is not good. Error message: cannot start SD SD.begin (SD_CS); repaired SD.begin (5); it doesn't work that way either.

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

My apologies. There are two places in MCUFRIEND_kbv.cpp where you find

#if defined(OFFSET_9327)
    if (_lcd_ID == 0x9327) {

You need to add 0x7793 in both places.

Regarding SD Card. Since OpenSmart share the TFT with the SPI pins you need to make some adjustments on a Uno. i.e. addingSPCR = 0before writing to TFT and SPCR = spi_savebefore reading from SD Card.

Although Open Smart Shield looks clever it does not work perfectly. But it is fine for most projects. You just have to remember the SPCR statements.


kefeur commented 2 years ago

The 7793 should not be added to the second places because it will spoil the right side of the image, shift it. Can you do something with the 0 point error?

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

I will have a look at this tomorrow. I am going to the pub.

The important thing is that you are working 100% in rotation 0 and 1. It is unlikely that you will actually use "Vertical Scroll" with a ST7793.



kefeur commented 2 years ago

Have a good rest, have fun. Thanks for all.

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

Please remove the OFFSET_9327 edit(s) from MCUFRIEND_kbv.cpp file

Then search for this sequence:

        case 0x5420:
        case 0x7793:
        case 0x9326:
        case 0xB509:
            _MC = 0x200, _MP = 0x201, _MW = 0x202, _SC = 0x210, _EC = 0x211, _SP = 0x212, _EP = 0x213;

and change the following 3 lines to:

            GS = (val & 0x80) ? (1 << 15)|(4 << 1) : 0; //if GS start at row33 else row1
            uint16_t NL;
            NL = ((400 / 8) - 1) << 9;  // 400 rows

This is untested. But I think it should solve the "shift" problem. "Vertical Scroll" will always bring garbage into view.


kefeur commented 2 years ago

All right. i will try. Please start i at the beginning. Should point 0 of tft be at the top left?

kefeur commented 2 years ago

I would only be able to translate it exactly once ... All right. i will try. Please discuss from the beginning. Is point 0 of tft at the top left?

prenticedavid commented 2 years ago

Yes, point 0 is at top left.

Everything is related to (0, 0) i.e. top left in Portrait. When you do rotations you are changing the controller registers so that (0, 0) is top left in that rotation e.g. Landscape_Rev

Do not worry about these details. Just make the new edit. Run graphictest_kbv.ino and report back.

I do not know how well my messages go through Google Translate. The code text that is in Courier font should not be translated. I expect you to search for the old sequence. Then copy-paste the new sequence.


kefeur commented 2 years ago

I understood what you wanted. I followed the instructions. It did not completely solve the problem. Now my own codes are also displayed incorrectly, I have 1 vertical trash on the right. Diagnose tft support is good up to the red background, then not, then the blue and green are good again. graphictest_kbv is good until the blue grades appear, then there's the vertical garbage stripe. ShowBMP_kbv_uno still doesn't work, "cannot start sd" is the error. My question was about something else.