Open rtek1000 opened 6 years ago
God invented Shields. You plug a Shield into an Arduino or NUCLEO. All the wiring is known. The display works.
If you want to use a BluePill, wire everything according to the "BluePill Adapter" published on stm32duino Forum.
There are several SPECIALs for different BluePill wiring. If you are too stubborn to use the "Adapter" wiring, choose one of the SPECIALs. SPECIALs go in the utility/mcufriend_special.h file
If you are even more stubborn, wire up your display in your own custom way. Edit the #defines in LCD_ID_readreg sketch. Make sure that it reads the registers correctly. Post your verified #defines. And I will post a SPECIAL especially for you.
I have no intention of writing a SPECIAL from your schematic. I will only do it when I see your verified #defines
Yes I agree with you, God invented, and each man makes a point of using a different configuration for each piece.
I'll check the files, thanks for the support!
I ran the example "LCD_ID_readreg.ino", but the result of Mega2560 was different from STM32.
With the help of an oscilloscope, I noticed that pins PB0 and PB1 do not work during the execution of the example "LCD_ID_readreg.ino".
I did a test to "blink" the pins PB0 and PB1. They worked correctly.
#define LCD_RST PB11
#define LCD_CS PC13
#define LCD_RS PC14
#define LCD_WR PC15
#define LCD_RD PB10
#define LCD_D0 PB0
#define LCD_D1 PB1
#define LCD_D2 PB2
#define LCD_D3 PB3
#define LCD_D4 PB4
#define LCD_D5 PB5
#define LCD_D6 PB6
#define LCD_D7 PB7
Sorry i made a mistake
I reviewed the links and realized that I gave the wrong reference, it is not the PB0 and PB1 pin that is not working.
The pin that is not working is the PB3.
It also did not work with my "blink" test, I will check the reason the PB3 pin does not work.
Your #defines match the schematic. There is no point in running a blinky that verifies only two pins.
You must verify the full set of defines works with LCD_ID_readreg. Your schematic shows TX1, RX1 on PA9, PA10 which will work 100% with a UART-USB dongle. If you are using the weird Maple Core the "USB" Serial may or may not work.
Surely your DSO138 scope kit comes with its own ILI9341 display and software. The kits seem incredibly cheap. The performance will probably be mediocre. A 1Msps means that you can only really see 20kHz or so. I do not have a modern scope. Only a 10MHz analog scope that I bought in the 1970s and seldom used.
Working now!
I had to disable the JTAG of this PB3 pin:
I added the instruction below at the beginning of the subroutine "setup"
Read Registers on MCUFRIEND UNO shield controllers either read as single 16-bit e.g. the ID is at readReg(0) or as a sequence of 8-bit values in special locations (first is dummy)
reg(0x0000) 01 54 ID: ILI9320, ILI9325, ILI9335, ... reg(0x0004) 00 00 00 00 Manufacturer ID reg(0x0009) 00 1E 00 00 00 Status Register reg(0x000A) 00 00 Get Power Mode reg(0x000C) 00 00 Get Pixel Format reg(0x0061) 00 00 RDID1 HX8347-G reg(0x0062) 00 00 RDID2 HX8347-G reg(0x0063) 00 00 RDID3 HX8347-G reg(0x0064) 00 00 RDID1 HX8347-A reg(0x0065) 00 00 RDID2 HX8347-A reg(0x0066) 00 00 RDID3 HX8347-A reg(0x0067) 00 00 RDID Himax HX8347-A reg(0x0070) 00 00 Panel Himax HX8347-A reg(0x00A1) 00 00 00 00 00 RD_DDB SSD1963 reg(0x00B0) 00 00 RGB Interface Signal Control reg(0x00B4) 00 00 Inversion Control reg(0x00B6) 00 00 00 00 00 Display Control reg(0x00B7) 00 00 Entry Mode Set reg(0x00BF) 00 00 00 00 00 00 ILI9481, HX8357-B reg(0x00C0) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Panel Control reg(0x00C8) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GAMMA reg(0x00CC) 00 00 Panel Control reg(0x00D0) 00 00 00 Power Control reg(0x00D2) 00 00 00 00 00 NVM Read reg(0x00D3) 00 00 00 00 ILI9341, ILI9488 reg(0x00D4) 00 00 00 00 Novatek ID reg(0x00DA) 00 00 RDID1 reg(0x00DB) 00 00 RDID2 reg(0x00DC) 00 00 RDID3 reg(0x00E0) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GAMMA-P reg(0x00E1) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GAMMA-N reg(0x00EF) 00 00 00 00 00 00 ILI9327 reg(0x00F2) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Adjust Control 2 reg(0x00F6) 00 00 00 00 Interface Control
Read Registers on MCUFRIEND UNO shield controllers either read as single 16-bit e.g. the ID is at readReg(0) or as a sequence of 8-bit values in special locations (first is dummy)
reg(0x0000) 01 54 ID: ILI9320, ILI9325, ILI9335, ... reg(0x0004) 00 00 00 00 Manufacturer ID reg(0x0009) 00 1E 00 00 00 Status Register reg(0x000A) 00 00 Get Power Mode reg(0x000C) 00 00 Get Pixel Format reg(0x0061) 00 00 RDID1 HX8347-G reg(0x0062) 00 00 RDID2 HX8347-G reg(0x0063) 00 00 RDID3 HX8347-G reg(0x0064) 00 00 RDID1 HX8347-A reg(0x0065) 00 00 RDID2 HX8347-A reg(0x0066) 00 00 RDID3 HX8347-A reg(0x0067) 00 00 RDID Himax HX8347-A reg(0x0070) 00 00 Panel Himax HX8347-A reg(0x00A1) 00 00 00 00 00 RD_DDB SSD1963 reg(0x00B0) 00 00 RGB Interface Signal Control reg(0x00B4) 00 00 Inversion Control reg(0x00B6) 00 00 00 00 00 Display Control reg(0x00B7) 00 00 Entry Mode Set reg(0x00BF) 00 00 00 00 00 00 ILI9481, HX8357-B reg(0x00C0) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Panel Control reg(0x00C8) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GAMMA reg(0x00CC) 00 00 Panel Control reg(0x00D0) 00 00 00 Power Control reg(0x00D2) 00 00 00 00 00 NVM Read reg(0x00D3) 00 00 00 00 ILI9341, ILI9488 reg(0x00D4) 00 00 00 00 Novatek ID reg(0x00DA) 00 00 RDID1 reg(0x00DB) 00 00 RDID2 reg(0x00DC) 00 00 RDID3 reg(0x00E0) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GAMMA-P reg(0x00E1) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GAMMA-N reg(0x00EF) 00 00 00 00 00 00 ILI9327 reg(0x00F2) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Adjust Control 2 reg(0x00F6) 00 00 00 00 Interface Control
Yes, the oscilloscope with STM32F103C8T6 has a very small bandwidth,
But I work with repairing power supply, and I need to monitor two 30ms signals, so this need can be met satisfactorily with this circuit.
My goal is to do a test JIG.
I bought a DSO-150 (200kHz band) but unfortunately this model has only 1 channel.
Success at last !!! PB3 is not used by SWD but PB4 certainly is.
I am taking my dog out. I will post a SPECIAL for you when I get back.
Many thanks for the attention, David!
I will comment there on the project about this possibility of display,
Surely others will be able to test this display in this project!
add the following block to special.h
#elif defined(USE_RTEK1000_BLUEPILL) && (defined(__STM32F1__) || defined(STM32F103xB)) // MAPLECORE or STM32CORE
#warning USE_RTEK1000_BLUEPILL
#if defined(ARDUINO_NUCLEO_F103C8) //regular CMSIS libraries
#define REGS(x) x
#else //weird Maple libraries
#define REGS(x) regs->x
#define WRITE_DELAY { }
#define GROUP_MODE(port, reg, mask, val) {port->REGS(reg) = (port->REGS(reg) & ~(mask)) | ((mask)&(val)); }
#define GP_OUT(port, reg, mask) GROUP_MODE(port, reg, mask, 0x33333333)
#define GP_INP(port, reg, mask) GROUP_MODE(port, reg, mask, 0x44444444)
#define PIN_OUTPUT(port, pin) {\
if (pin < 8) {GP_OUT(port, CRL, 0xF<<((pin)<<2));} \
else {GP_OUT(port, CRH, 0xF<<((pin&7)<<2));} \
#define PIN_INPUT(port, pin) { \
if (pin < 8) { GP_INP(port, CRL, 0xF<<((pin)<<2)); } \
else { GP_INP(port, CRH, 0xF<<((pin&7)<<2)); } \
#define PIN_HIGH(port, pin) (port)-> REGS(BSRR) = (1<<(pin))
#define PIN_LOW(port, pin) (port)-> REGS(BSRR) = (1<<((pin)+16))
#define RD_PIN 10
#define WR_PIN 15
#define CD_PIN 14
#define CS_PIN 13
#define RESET_PIN 11
// configure macros for the data pins
#define write_8(d) { GPIOB->REGS(BSRR) = 0x00FF << 16; GPIOB->REGS(BSRR) = ((d) << 0) & 0x00FF; }
#define read_8() ((GPIOB->REGS(IDR) & 0x00FF) >> 0)
// PB7..PB0
#define setWriteDir() {GP_OUT(GPIOB, CRL, 0xFFFFFFFF); }
#define setReadDir() {GP_INP(GPIOB, CRL, 0xFFFFFFFF); }
#define write8(x) { write_8(x); WRITE_DELAY; WR_STROBE; }
#define write16(x) { uint8_t h = (x)>>8, l = x; write8(h); write8(l); }
#define READ_8(dst) { RD_STROBE; READ_DELAY; dst = read_8(); RD_IDLE; }
#define READ_16(dst) { uint8_t hi; READ_8(hi); READ_8(dst); dst |= (hi << 8); }
I still don't understand your project. A DSO138 kit will have all the components. Trying to build a scope with a BluePill and Mcufriend shield sounds like a lot of hard work.
Edit. Your original "special" looks exactly the same as mine. Except that your comments claim the data ports on PA0..PA7 when the code is for PB0..PB7
Yes! It works! But only if I disable the debug on PB3 pin.
So, in the end, it was just the problem of the debug function.
Sorry for bothering you.
I noticed that the backlight of the display was blinking, when monitoring the voltage (with the DSO150) I could see that the 3.3V pin of the display was oscillating, so I connected this pin to the 3.3V pin and it stopped oscillating the backlight , is very beautiful, much faster than the Mega2560.
Thank you! (By patience too)
Yes, the DSO138 kit is already complete (for 1 channel), you're right, and it really does not make sense.
The big problem is access to the kit, where I am not so simple and easy to get, I have to pay several times the value in dollars, sometimes it comes to cost 6x.
So, since I was with the STM32 and the mcufriend display in the drawer, it made some sense for me to try to use them together!
Thank you!
If anyone needs this adaptation, the files already configured are attached.
Thank you!
Shield: Image source:
Hello. Sorry for my english. Could you help me . I changed the display to DSO 138, and now instead of ili9341 it became 0x9595. I am uploading the DLO138 mcufriend project to the DSO 138 board. I use define support hx8347d But nothing happens. Always white screen .... Thank you.
when you add afio_cfg_debug_ports(AFIO_DEBUG_NONE); on bluepill readID() can't found ID always white screen ....I edit mcufriend and now it work
когда вы добавляете afio_cfg_debug_ports (AFIO_DEBUG_NONE); on bluepill readID () не может найти идентификатор всегда белого экрана .... Я редактирую mcufriend, и теперь он работает
Please tell me, what to edit in mcufriend?
i will upload soon, i design pcb DSO 138 with Protues 8 again but i finish yet. i upload when i finish or somebody share file pcb DSO 138. Thanks
I do not understand a hobbyist making their own pcb. Ready-made pcb is cheap. I do not understand an enthusiast developing any scope software with an obsolete STM32F103.
Yes, it might be worth developing an improved performance commercial kit with a Cortex-M4.
I am not an oscilloscope person. I do everything with Logic Analyser and SWD/JTAG debugger. However I have often thought of buying a mid-range Rigol or Hantek scope. My 40-year old 20MHz Analog scope has only been used about 5 times in the last 30 years.
A 200kHz project seems a little pointless. Everyone has their personal opinions! I don't mind helping with software but ONLY if the hardware is on a professionally made pcb with proper socket / soldered connections to the TFT.
rtek1000 - Thanks for upload files. But i'm confused. Can anyone tell me what is final wiring for use this two attached files (shield and special.h)
`#define RD_PORT GPIOB
Is that correct? What about LCD_D0 to LCD_D7 ?
Best regards
I can not see any attached files.
Surely it is easier to just use the default wiring for BLUEPILL in shield.h. Then you don't have to worry about Specials.
If you have a compelling reason to use special wiring, test it with LCD_ID_readreg sketch. Then post your #defines. Preferably on Forum. But Github or stm32duino Forum is ok.
I do not mind writing the SPECIAL for you but only if you have verified your wiring first.
prenticedavid - thank You for Your answer.
I found in mcufriend_shield.h: `#define RD_PORT GPIOB //#define RD_PIN 5
and this is clear: RD - PB0 WR - PB6 CD - PB7 CS - PB8 RESET - PB9
but what about LCD_D0 to LCD_D7 ? I was trying that way: PA0 - LCD_D0 .... to .... PA7 - LCD_D7 but it doesn't work (blank screeen).
Can anyone help me and write down correct default connection with BluePill? Best regards
Yes, data bus is on PA0..PA7. Wire it up. Run LCD_ID_readreg sketch. #define LCD_D0 PA0 etc
In an ideal world you plug a a ready made shield into Uno, Zero, Due, ..., Nucleo, ...
No need for any SPECIAL at all. You just have to make sure that all the male pins mate with the corresponding header sockets.
LCD_ID_readreg gives me: `Read Registers on MCUFRIEND UNO shield controllers either read as single 16-bit e.g. the ID is at readReg(0) or as a sequence of 8-bit values in special locations (first is dummy)
reg(0x0000) 00 00 ID: ILI9320, ILI9325, ILI9335, ... reg(0x0004) 00 54 80 66 Manufacturer ID reg(0x0009) 01 01 01 01 01 Status Register reg(0x000A) 00 08 Get Power Mode reg(0x000C) 00 06 Get Pixel Format reg(0x0061) 01 01 RDID1 HX8347-G reg(0x0062) 00 00 RDID2 HX8347-G reg(0x0063) 01 01 RDID3 HX8347-G reg(0x0064) 00 00 RDID1 HX8347-A reg(0x0065) 01 01 RDID2 HX8347-A reg(0x0066) 00 00 RDID3 HX8347-A reg(0x0067) 01 01 RDID Himax HX8347-A reg(0x0070) 00 00 Panel Himax HX8347-A reg(0x00A1) 01 01 01 01 01 RD_DDB SSD1963 reg(0x00B0) 00 00 RGB Interface Signal Control reg(0x00B4) 00 02 Inversion Control reg(0x00B6) 00 06 06 06 06 Display Control reg(0x00B7) 01 07 Entry Mode Set reg(0x00BF) 01 01 01 01 01 01 ILI9481, HX8357-B reg(0x00C0) 00 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E Panel Control reg(0x00C8) 00 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 GAMMA reg(0x00CC) 00 02 Panel Control reg(0x00D0) 00 00 00 Power Control reg(0x00D2) 00 00 94 88 88 NVM Read reg(0x00D3) 01 01 95 89 ILI9341, ILI9488 reg(0x00D4) 00 96 00 00 Novatek ID reg(0x00DA) 00 80 RDID1 reg(0x00DB) 01 81 RDID2 reg(0x00DC) 00 66 RDID3 reg(0x00E0) 00 00 06 0C 04 12 08 36 AA 46 08 10 0C 1A 1E 0E GAMMA-P reg(0x00E1) 01 01 21 23 05 11 07 37 57 49 05 0D 0B 33 37 0F GAMMA-N reg(0x00EF) 01 01 01 01 01 01 ILI9327 reg(0x00F2) 00 0A 20 00 AA 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Adjust Control 2 reg(0x00F6) 00 A8 50 2C Interface Control `
But when I upload any sketch from examples ie diagnose_TFT_support screen stays white.
This display (3.95 TFT LCD mcufriend) works with NUCLEO-F103RB nad Arduino UNO, but BLUE PILL - no luck... any ideas? Best regards
Let me try to clarify the basics,
The stm32, has a way of operating the inputs and outputs well differentiated (I worked with PIC, I found it very complicated)
See this part:
// configure macros for the data pins
#define write_8(d) { GPIOB->REGS(BSRR) = 0x00FF << 16; GPIOB->REGS(BSRR) = ((d) << 0) & 0x00FF; }
#define read_8() ((GPIOB->REGS(IDR) & 0x00FF) >> 0)
// PB7..PB0
#define setWriteDir() {GP_OUT(GPIOB, CRL, 0xFFFFFFFF); }
#define setReadDir() {GP_INP(GPIOB, CRL, 0xFFFFFFFF); }
Look at these terms:
Now access the user manual:
Click the Resources tab, and locate: Reference Manual: (1), click, and you should open another page:$$resourceCategory=technical_literature$$resourceType=reference_manual
Download the file: RM0008
Open the PDF file, find: 9.1 GPIO functional description: Read this, and understand:
"Each of the general-purpose I / O ports has:"
two 32-bit configuration registers (GPIOx_CRL, GPIOx_CRH),
--> Note the abbreviations: [CRL: (C)onfiguration (R)egister {L}ow] [CRH: (C)onfiguration (R)egister (H)igh]
Now understand the code:
#define write_8(d) { GPIOB->REGS(BSRR) = 0x00FF << 16; GPIOB->REGS(BSRR) = ((d) << 0) & 0x00FF;
"GPIOB->REGS(BSRR) = 0x00FF << 16"
"0x00FF << 16" means: 0b0000000011111111 << 16 0b0000000011111111 << 16 that means: 0b1111111100000000
So, the register (set / reset register) BSRR will receive the value 0b1111111100000000
After this preparation, the value of the pins corresponding to the connection with the shield will be set "GPIOB->REGS(BSRR) = ((d) << 0) & 0x00FF"
The register BSRR will receive the value that is in the variable "d"
For the other register everything happens in a similar way.
As I said at the beginning, it is complicated to understand this logic of clearing the registry before setting the value, and also think that most people learn to program at high level, and on 8-bit controllers, but are not instructed to look for the component manual.
I hope this helps someone who is starting.
A tip: enjoy and read all the files the manufacturer provides (Click the Resources tab):
I'm sorry, but that means I have to make some modifications in library... So it doesn't work "out of box" with Blue Pill... Ok, that is to much for me. I give up. Thanks for help.
Your readreg is "almost" ok. It looks like you have an ILI9488 controller
reg(0x0004) 00 54 80 66 Manufacturer ID
reg(0x00D3) 01 01 95 89 ILI9341, ILI9488
reg(0x00DA) 00 80 RDID1
reg(0x00DB) 01 81 RDID2
reg(0x00DC) 00 66 RDID3
I would expect to see:
reg(0x0004) 00 54 80 66 Manufacturer ID
reg(0x00D3) 00 00 94 88 RDID4
reg(0x00DA) 00 54 RDID1
reg(0x00DB) 00 80 RDID2
reg(0x00DC) 00 66 RDID3
So there is something wrong with your LCD_D0 pin. I suspect that your wiring is done with clothes pegs. You can try forcing tft.begin(0x9488)
If you want to use a STM32, I strongly advise that you buy a Nucleo board. They are very cheap. Have an onboard debugger. Have Arduino headers. Are available with several different controllers e.g. 48MHz M0 up to 160MHz M4. You can even buy a Nucleo with the almost-obsolete STM32F103 that is favoured by the elderly stm32uino members.
Following on from rtek1000's comments. Modern STM32 are easier to change GPIO mode. The F103 is very inconvenient.
you want to use a BluePill, wire everything according to the "BluePill Adapter" published on stm32duino Forum.
Do you have a link to the adapter wiring ? I cant find it on the forum
Port data |D7 |D6 |D5 |D4 |D3 |D2 |D1 |D0 |
Pin stm32 |PA7|PA6|PA5|PA4|PA3|PA2|PA1|PA0|
Control pins |RD |WR |RS |CS |RST|
Pin stm32 |PB0|PB6|PB7|PB8|PB9|
Thanks alot, the display (2.4" tft) works but not the touchscreen yet, with the adafruit touchscreen library, the usual mapping for the UNO is as follow: const int XP = 6, XM = A2, YP = A1, YM = 7; //ID=0x9341 I tried to reverse engineer it to this for the blue pill (according to the wiring you provided above): const int XP = PA6, XM = PB7, YP = PB6, YM =PA7; //ID=0x9341 But it doesnt work
EDIT: im using the TouchScreen_STM.h library
Hello, I can not access my code now, but I know It needs to be used 2 analog ports, I will soon say the pins I used with another touch
I was able to run the touch of a 3.2 inch display with this setting: (Unfortunately, my 2.4 display was with a damaged touch, I could not make it work)
#include <stdint.h>
#include "TouchScreen_STM.h" // TouchScreen_STM
// These are the pins for the shield!
#if !defined (__STM32F1__)
#define YP A1 // must be an analog pin, use "An" notation! (for Mega)
#define XM A2 // must be an analog pin, use "An" notation! (for Mega)
#define YM 7 // can be a digital pin
#define XP 6 // can be a digital pin
#define YP PB1 // must be an analog pin
#define XM PB0 // must be an analog pin
#define YM PB15 // can be a digital pin
#define XP PB14 // can be a digital pin
#define MINPRESSURE 10
#define MAXPRESSURE 1000
// For better pressure precision, we need to know the resistance
// between X+ and X- Use any multimeter to read it
// For the one we're using, its 300 ohms across the X plate
TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300);
#define Orientation 1
int x_pos, y_pos, z_pos;
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Core graphics library
//#include <Adafruit_TFTLCD.h> // Hardware-specific library
#include "MCUFRIEND_kbv.h"
MCUFRIEND_kbv tft;
// If you use OPEN-SMART TFT breakout board //
// Reconmmend you to add 5V-3.3V level converting circuit.
// Of course you can use OPEN-SMART UNO Black version with 5V/3.3V power switch,
// you just need switch to 3.3V.
// The control pins for the LCD can be assigned to any digital or
// analog pins...but we'll use the analog pins as this allows us to
// TFT Breakout -- STM32F103C8 - MEGA shield
// GND -- GND
// 5V -- 5V
// CS -- PB3
// RS/CD (XM) -- PB0
// WR (YP) -- PB1
// RD -- PB4
// LED -- GND
// DB0 -- PB8
// DB1 -- PB9
// DB2 -- PB10
// DB3 -- PB11
// DB4 -- PB12
// DB5 -- PB13
// DB6 (XP) -- PB14
// DB7 (YM) -- PB15
This post can help identify the pins of this shield (need to connect 3.3V and 5V):
Port data |D7 |D6 |D5 |D4 |D3 |D2 |D1 |D0 | Pin stm32 |PA7|PA6|PA5|PA4|PA3|PA2|PA1|PA0| Control pins |RD |WR |RS |CS |RST| Pin stm32 |PB0|PB6|PB7|PB8|PB9|
if WR/RS must be analog , then that mapping wont work for the bluepill right ?
In my case, I was not using touch because the control was done with external buttons
I believe that once the user can understand how to modify the code, there should be no difficulties. But looking at the bluepill pins, it really should not work if you use PB6 and PB7
It may be easier for users, if they can map pins individually, as would be done for 20x2 LCD
LiquidCrystal lcd(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7); // Creates an LC object. Parameters: (rs, enable, d4, d5, d6, d7)
Ref: LiquidCrystal
@rtek1000 in the mcufriend_shield.h I modified:
#elif defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103C) || defined(ARDUINO_NUCLEO_F103C8) || defined(ARDUINO_BLUEPILL_F103C8)
#warning Uno Shield on BLUEPILL
//#define RD_PIN 5
#define RD_PIN 0 //hardware mod to Adapter. Allows use of PB5 for SD Card
#define WR_PIN 6
#define CD_PIN 7
#define CS_PIN 8
#define RESET_PIN 9
#elif defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103C) || defined(ARDUINO_NUCLEO_F103C8) || defined(ARDUINO_BLUEPILL_F103C8)
#warning Uno Shield on BLUEPILL
#define RD_PIN 5 //hardware mod to Adapter. Allows use of PB5 for SD Card
#define WR_PIN 1
#define CD_PIN 0
#define CS_PIN 8
#define RESET_PIN 9
in order to use PB5,PB0,PB1, but the touchscreen didnt work either.
Standard BluePill wiring:
Port data |D7 |D6 |D5 |D4 |D3 |D2 |D1 |D0 |
Pin stm32 |PA7|PA6|PA5|PA4|PA3|PA2|PA1|PA0|
Control pins |RD |WR |RS |CS |RST|
Pin stm32 |PB0|PB6|PB7|PB8|PB9|
The most common Touch wiring on Red shields is:
const int XP = 6, XM = A2, YP = A1, YM = 7; //ID=0x9341
However the BluePill is using PB6, PB7 for LCD_WR, LCD_RS which are Digital pins.
So you would use LCD_D7, LCD_D6 for YP, XM because they can be used as Analog pins.
const int XP = PB7, XM = PA6, YP = PA7, YM = PB6; //ID=0x9341
Untested, I strongly advise you to diagnose X, Y pins on a Uno or by using a DMM.
I seldom use a BluePill. Nucleos are much more convenient. And of course they have a sensible pin layout. The "standard" BluePill wiring was chosen purely because a Forum member had made some Adapter pcbs.
If I change XM& YP into analog pins then I have to change the
in the mcufriend_shield.h header too right ?
Hi, my file mcufriend_shield.h looks like this:
//#define USE_SPECIAL //check for custom drivers
// ...
#if 0
#elif defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103C) || defined(ARDUINO_NUCLEO_F103C8) || defined(ARDUINO_BLUEPILL_F103C8)
#warning Uno Shield on BLUEPILL
// configure macros for the data pins
#define RD_PIN 4
#define WR_PIN 1
#define CD_PORT GPIOB // RS
#define CD_PIN 0 // RS
#define CS_PIN 3
#define RESET_PIN 13
#define setWriteDir() {pinMode(PB4, OUTPUT); \
pinMode(PB5, OUTPUT); \
pinMode(PB1, OUTPUT); \
pinMode(PB0, OUTPUT); \
pinMode(PB15, OUTPUT); \
pinMode(PB14, OUTPUT); \
pinMode(PB13, OUTPUT); \
pinMode(PB12, OUTPUT); \
pinMode(PB11, OUTPUT); \
pinMode(PB10, OUTPUT); \
pinMode(PB9, OUTPUT); \
pinMode(PB8, OUTPUT); \
#define setReadDir() { pinMode(PB15, INPUT); \
pinMode(PB14, INPUT); \
pinMode(PB13, INPUT); \
pinMode(PB12, INPUT); \
pinMode(PB11, INPUT); \
pinMode(PB10, INPUT); \
pinMode(PB9, INPUT); \
pinMode(PB8, INPUT); \
#define write_8(d) { GPIOB->REGS(BSRR) = 0xFF00 << 16; \
GPIOB->REGS(BSRR) = (d) << 8;}
#define read_8() ((GPIOB->REGS(IDR) >> 8) & 0xFF)
// ...
#elif IS_NUCLEO64 // Uno Shield on NUCLEO
No. Connect the BluePill with the standard wiring.
When you use the Touchscreen you add the two lines that specify your pins and calibration. The first step is to measure the resistance with a DMM to determine the X, Y pins.
If you use the "Maple" core you will find the calibration will be 12-bit numbers. If you use the ST core Touchscreen.h will use the same 10-bit numbers as a Uno,Mega, ...
No. Connect the BluePill with the standard wiring.
When you use the Touchscreen you add the two lines that specify your pins and calibration. The first step is to measure the resistance with a DMM to determine the X, Y pins.
If you use the "Maple" core you will find the calibration will be 12-bit numbers. If you use the ST core Touchscreen.h will use the same 10-bit numbers as a Uno,Mega, ...
There is something I got radically wrong. 1)XM& YP pins defined in the touch screen setup must be the same as the WR and CD pins right (because in the arduino uno they are the same)? 2)therefore if I change the XM& YP to some analog pin, I must change WR and CD accordingly right ? Or is it that the XM& YP and be programmatically moved around ? The screen works fine on the UNO, and I calibrated it there. I dont think I need to recalibrate it on the bluepill.
Please identify the X and Y with a DMM or Uno. If you don't have a Uno, Megaa, ... say so. If you don't have a DMM, say so. It would take two minutes from your life.
If you simply did as I ask, I would plug a Shield into the BluePill Adapter and try it for myself. I would even try it with both Cores. And with Touchscreen_STM.h and regular Touchscreen.h
Be reasonable. If you are not prepared to spend two minutes, you can't expect others to go down blind alleys on your behalf.
Please identify the X and Y with a DMM or Uno. If you don't have a Uno, Megaa, ... say so. If you don't have a DMM, say so. It would take two minutes from your life.
If you simply did as I ask, I would plug a Shield into the BluePill Adapter and try it for myself. I would even try it with both Cores. And with Touchscreen_STM.h and regular Touchscreen.h
Be reasonable. If you are not prepared to spend two minutes, you can't expect others to go down blind alleys on your behalf.
By X and Y, you mean identify the X and Y pins ? My screen (2.4" TFT uno shield) works fine plugged on an UNO with the settings: const int XP = 6, XM = A2, YP = A1, YM = 7; //ID=0x9341 So I guess that identifies the 4 pins enough right? Considering my board has the pinout: I dont mind using a multimeter but how do I measure in order to find the XY pins ?
That why my earlier message mentionned that it should translate as : const int XP = PA6, XM = PB7, YP = PB6, YM =PA7; //ID=0x9341 on the blue pill. But it doesnt .
Does that answer your question ? I will craft an adapter tomorrow in case the issue is the jumper cables.
Hi, to measure the resistance of X and Y, use the DMM (digital multimeter) on the resistance scale, then try measuring between the pins: LCD_D6 (TOUCH_XP) & LCD_RS (TOUCH_XM). And LCD_D7 (TOUCH_YM) & LCD_WR (TOUCH_YP).
Note: use only DMM + Shield, disconnected from others devices.
#################################################################### Standard BluePill wiring:
Port data |D7 |D6 |D5 |D4 |D3 |D2 |D1 |D0 |
Pin stm32 |PA7|PA6|PA5|PA4|PA3|PA2|PA1|PA0|
Control pins |RD |WR |RS |CS |RST|
Pin stm32 |PB0|PB6|PB7|PB8|PB9|
The most common Touch wiring on Red shields is:
const int XP = 6, XM = A2, YP = A1, YM = 7; //ID=0x9341
However the BluePill is using PB6, PB7 for LCD_WR, LCD_RS which are Digital pins.
So you would use LCD_D7, LCD_D6 for YP, XM because they can be used as Analog pins.
First off. I calibrated this screen with a Uno:
const int XP=6,XM=A2,YP=A1,YM=7; //240x320 ID=0x1602
const int TS_LEFT=92,TS_RT=914,TS_TOP=942,TS_BOT=125;
Then I plugged it into a BluePill Adapter.
Edited the Calibration sketch to match the X, Y pins e.g.
int XP=PB7,XM=PA6,YP=PA7,YM=PB6; //240x320 ID=0x1602
Set the Arduino IDE for the ST Core. Ran the Calibration sketch. And got:
const int TS_LEFT=925,TS_RT=105,TS_TOP=83,TS_BOT=908; //BluePill calibration
Note that the LEFT and RT are swapped. And TOP and BOT are swapped. versus the Uno. This is due to XM, XP are being physically swapped when you use PA6 for XM, PB7 for XP etc.
Also note that the XM, XP, ... report is garbage. It tries to say Arduino pin nomenclature. The BluePill has no official digital numbering. It just uses PA0, PB3, ... style. You have forced XP, XM, etc anyway.
The Calibration sketch works fine on Roger's Maple Core because it uses a native "Touchscreen_kbv" class. (you have to invent some dummy defines for A0, A4, A5)
If you want to use Roger's Core, I suggest that you use my "Touchscreen_kbv" class.
Of course, the ST Core works seamlessly. Oh, you might have to tell Touchscreen.h the type of RwReg e.g.
#if defined(ARDUINO_FEATHER52) || defined(ESP32) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32) || defined(__STM32F1__)
typedef volatile uint32_t RwReg;
############################################################################## To run any Touch example, you just replace the two "const int" lines with your specific calibration. e.g.
const int XP=PB7,XM=PA6,YP=PA7,YM=PB6; //240x320 ID=0x1602
const int TS_LEFT=925,TS_RT=105,TS_TOP=83,TS_BOT=908; //BluePill calibration
############################################################################## David.
I would like to try the 2.4 display (0x0154) with a multichannel oscilloscope project, which uses the STM32. On the Arduino Mega2560 the dispay works well. But at the moment, I am not able to adapt the display pins, I made some changes to the file "mcufriend_shield.h", but it was not enough to work, could somebody tell me what is the most correct way to change the pinout for this below:
The project originally uses ILI9341, and I can not change the layout of the board:
Schematic (better resolution):
Original file "mcufriend_shield.h":
Thank you!