prepare / Espresso

☕ Bridge your C# soul to the power of Javascript (V8 Javascript Engine / NodeJs)
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HowTo #45

Open windischb opened 6 years ago

windischb commented 6 years ago


Is there any howTo or something similar for this? I can't get it to run....

If i just try the TestEspressoCore it gives following Error:

Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'libespr': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
   at Espresso.NativeV8JsInterOp.V8Init()
   at Espresso.JsBridge.V8Init() in C:\_Daten\Repos\Github\Espresso\src\0_Start\JsBridge.cs:line 18
   at TestEspressoCore.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\_Daten\Repos\Github\Espresso\Tests\TestEspressoCore\Program.cs:line 13

If i try to compile libespr i'll get:

Cannot open include file: 'v8.h': No such file or directory

A little startup Help would be great!!

prepare commented 6 years ago

Hello @windischb , Sorry for late reply.

you need to build a libespr.dll first.

please see it provides the examples + screenshots of how to build the libespr in macOS (, Linux ( and Windows (


a libespr is a modified version of

1) v8 engine inside the nodejs => called Espresso-VE or 2) a modified version nodejs.exe => called Espression-ND

First you must build the nodejs

then apply our 'patches'

see the manually patching step in

, I also provide a 'semi-automate' patching tools =>

for nodejs 7-8-9 , the steps are the same

node10 will be tested soon

prepare commented 6 years ago

The documentation will be added later :)