prepare / Espresso

☕ Bridge your C# soul to the power of Javascript (V8 Javascript Engine / NodeJs)
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Access Inspector Protocol for Debugging non-Node JS #54

Open NichUK opened 5 years ago

NichUK commented 5 years ago

Would it be possible to implement and expose suitable send and receive functions so that a user of the non-ND version of Espresso could access Inspector Protocol for debugging purposes. My ideal would obviously be to be able to use ChromeDevTools in the same way that ND users can as seen in #39 however I'd be happy to start with very basic access to allow me to build a basic debugger.

The documentation at seems to imply that this should be fairly straight-forwards, however I haven't written any C++ for many years, so have no idea how to go about this myself.

I also believe that there's a good chance that if we could set up a suitable Inspector Protocol redirector, it could be integrated with Visual Studio's javascript/NodeJs debugging facility without too much work. Ref and I'd be happy to have a try at that.

prepare commented 5 years ago

Sorry for late reply.

Thank you for your advice.

I will investigate this :)

good ref, see=>,