preraktrivedi / TweetrWithFragments

Tweetr (v2) using fragments, viewpager, navigation drawer just to make it look more awesome !!
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[Android Bootcamp] Week 4 Assignment Twitter With Fragments - Code Review #1

Open preraktrivedi opened 10 years ago

preraktrivedi commented 10 years ago

Hello, /cc @nesquena @timothy1ee

Please review my Twitter Client redux assignment for week 4. I've added a sample apk and screenshots in the folder "sampleapk". Also updated the with screenshots and features for the app. I've also included the libraries to import that are required for this project to work (PullToRefresh, PageSlidingTabStrip and support-v7-appcompat).

Hours Spent:

Spent about 25 hours over all to get all the features working and make the app as bug free as possible.

Required User stories completed:

Optional User stories completed:

From Week 3:

In Week 4:

Devices/Emulator tested on:

-Google Nexus 5 -Samsung Galaxy S4 -Genymotion Nexus 5 image

Known Issues:

Looking forward to your feedback. Let me know what you think.

Thanks, Prerak

nesquena commented 10 years ago

:+1: As usual, excellent submission! Definitely impressed with the amount of time you are able to put in and hope you are also pleased with the result. A few notes after checking out the code:

Here's a detailed Project 4 Feedback Guide here which covers the most common issues with this submitted project. Read through the feedback guide point-by-point to determine how you might be able to improve your submission.

This week (Week 5), we are going to cover the last major piece to the Android puzzle and that is using the hardware and SDK components such as the camera, photo gallery, location, maps, etc. After that, Week 6 and week 7 we will be covering a few important intermediate topics such as more about styling and animation as well as testing.

Following the bootcamp (May 12th), we are going to have a demo day to celebrate the progress you've all made with our next batch of Android students and multiple companies attending to see the group projects that you all have built. We are going to help however we can over the next few weeks to get the team project apps in shape for that.

preraktrivedi commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot, Nathan, I'm definitely pleased with the result.. Most of the time was for the initial setup of Viewpager and NavDrawer but it was a really fun experience and enjoyed doing it. I will refactor the BaseClass with even more logic later on if I get time. Now the main focus is on the group project. Persistence is something still pending and hope to explore it more using Parse in the group projects.

Let me know if you have any other feedback. Thanks for all your help as well.


nesquena commented 10 years ago

Now the main focus is on the group project.

Yeah definitely makes sense to focus on the group project now at this point. You can always circle back to these assignments to incorporate feedback after the program completes. Good way to keep your learning moving forward.