preservim / tagbar

Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope
6.1k stars 485 forks source link

Cannot jump from tagbar buffer to other buffer #795

Closed hungpham3112 closed 2 years ago

hungpham3112 commented 2 years ago


I mapped

nnoremap <leader>j <C-W>j
nnoremap <leader>k <C-W>k
nnoremap <leader>l <C-W>l
nnoremap <leader>h <C-W>h

My cursor is on tagbar buffer but cannot use <leader>h to jump to the left

I think <leader> is disabled in tagbar.

raven42 commented 2 years ago

I am not able to reproduce this. Tagbar doesn't disable tagbar at all. When I have those mappings defined, I can tag into and out of the tagbar window just fine using them. I've attempted this before and after loading plugins.

Can you include the output of the :map command from both the file window and then also execute it in the tagbar window so we can compare the two?

hungpham3112 commented 2 years ago

:map from file window

*@:call AutoPairsJump() *@:call AutoPairsToggle() n ca NERDCommenterAltDelims x cu NERDCommenterUncomment n cu NERDCommenterUncomment x cb NERDCommenterAlignBoth n cb NERDCommenterAlignBoth x cl NERDCommenterAlignLeft n cl NERDCommenterAlignLeft n cA NERDCommenterAppend x cy NERDCommenterYank n cy NERDCommenterYank x cs NERDCommenterSexy n cs NERDCommenterSexy x ci NERDCommenterInvert n ci NERDCommenterInvert n c$ NERDCommenterToEOL x cn NERDCommenterNested n cn NERDCommenterNested x cm NERDCommenterMinimal n cm NERDCommenterMinimal x c NERDCommenterToggle n c NERDCommenterToggle x cc NERDCommenterComment n cc NERDCommenterComment / * incsearch#go(1_config_easyfuzzymotion()) n h * h n l * l n k * k n j * j n d * :vnew +pu=execute('') n 5 * 5gt n 4 * 4gt n 3 * 3gt n 2 * 2gt n 1 * 1gt n sv * :source $MYVIMRC n ev * :edit $MYVIMRC n a * ggVG n w * :w n x * :x x S VSurround n Y * "*y$ n cS CSurround n cs Csurround n ds Dsurround v gx NetrwBrowseXVis n gx NetrwBrowseX x gS VgSurround o j (easymotion-j) v j (easymotion-j) o k (easymotion-k) v k (easymotion-k) v s (easymotion-s) n s (easymotion-overwin-f) v u * n y & :call setreg(v:register, fugitive#Object(@%)) n ySS YSsurround n ySs YSsurround n yss Yssurround n yS YSurround n ys Ysurround v y * "*y n y * "*y n yy * "*yy v NetrwBrowseXVis * :call netrw#BrowseXVis() n NetrwBrowseX * :call netrw#BrowseX(netrw#GX(),netrw#CheckIfRemote(netrw#GX())) v VgSurround * :call 53_opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 0 : 1) v VSurround * :call 53_opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0) n YSurround * 53_opfunc2('setup') n Ysurround * 53_opfunc('setup') n YSsurround * 53_opfunc2('setup').'_' n Yssurround * '^'.v:count1.53_opfunc('setup').'g_' n CSurround * :call 53_changesurround(1) n Csurround * :call 53_changesurround() n Dsurround * :call 53_dosurround(53_inputtarget()) n SurroundRepeat * . o (coc-classobj-a) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:false, '', ['Interface', 'Struct', 'Class']) o (coc-classobj-i) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:true, '', ['Interface', 'Struct', 'Class']) v (coc-classobj-a) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:false, visualmode(), ['Interface', 'Struct', 'Class']) v (coc-classobj-i) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:true, visualmode(), ['Interface', 'Struct', 'Class']) o (coc-funcobj-a) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:false, '', ['Method', 'Function']) o (coc-funcobj-i) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:true, '', ['Method', 'Function']) v (coc-funcobj-a) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:false, visualmode(), ['Method', 'Function']) v (coc-funcobj-i) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:true, visualmode(), ['Method', 'Function']) n (coc-cursors-position) * :call CocAction('cursorsSelect', bufnr('%'), 'position', 'n') n (coc-cursors-word) * :call CocAction('cursorsSelect', bufnr('%'), 'word', 'n') v (coc-cursors-range) * :call CocAction('cursorsSelect', bufnr('%'), 'range', visualmode()) n (coc-cursors-operator) * :set operatorfunc=46_CursorRangeFromSelectedg@ n (coc-refactor) * :call CocActionAsync('refactor') n (coc-command-repeat) * :call CocAction('repeatCommand') n (coc-float-jump) * :call coc#float#jump() n (coc-float-hide) * :call coc#float#close_all() n (coc-fix-current) * :call CocActionAsync('doQuickfix') n (coc-openlink) * :call CocActionAsync('openLink') n (coc-references-used) * :call CocActionAsync('jumpUsed') n (coc-references) * :call CocActionAsync('jumpReferences') n (coc-type-definition) * :call CocActionAsync('jumpTypeDefinition') n (coc-implementation) * :call CocActionAsync('jumpImplementation') n (coc-declaration) * :call CocActionAsync('jumpDeclaration') n (coc-definition) * :call CocActionAsync('jumpDefinition') n (coc-diagnostic-prev-error) * :call CocActionAsync('diagnosticPrevious', 'error') n (coc-diagnostic-next-error) * :call CocActionAsync('diagnosticNext', 'error') n (coc-diagnostic-prev) * :call CocActionAsync('diagnosticPrevious') n (coc-diagnostic-next) * :call CocActionAsync('diagnosticNext') n (coc-diagnostic-info) * :call CocActionAsync('diagnosticInfo') n (coc-format) * :call CocActionAsync('format') n (coc-format-selected) * :set operatorfunc=46_FormatFromSelectedg@ n (coc-rename) * :call CocActionAsync('rename') n (coc-codeaction-cursor) * :call CocActionAsync('codeAction', 'cursor') n (coc-codeaction-line) * :call CocActionAsync('codeAction', 'line') n (coc-codeaction) * :call CocActionAsync('codeAction', '') n (coc-codeaction-selected) * :set operatorfunc=46_CodeActionFromSelectedg@ v (coc-codeaction-selected) * :call CocActionAsync('codeAction', visualmode()) v (coc-format-selected) * :call CocActionAsync('formatSelected', visualmode()) n (coc-codelens-action) * :call CocActionAsync('codeLensAction') n (coc-range-select) * :call CocActionAsync('rangeSelect', '', v:true) v (coc-range-select-backward) * :call CocActionAsync('rangeSelect', visualmode(), v:false) v (coc-range-select) * :call CocActionAsync('rangeSelect', visualmode(), v:true) o (fzf-maps-o) * :call fzf#vim#maps('o', 0) x (fzf-maps-x) * :call fzf#vim#maps('x', 0) n (fzf-maps-n) * :call fzf#vim#maps('n', 0) n (fzf-normal) * n (fzf-insert) * i (incsearch-fuzzyspell-stay) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzyspell({'is_stay': 1})) (incsearch-fuzzyspell-?) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzyspell({'command': '?'})) (incsearch-fuzzyspell-/) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzyspell()) (incsearch-fuzzyword-stay) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzyword({'is_stay': 1})) (incsearch-fuzzyword-?) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzyword({'command': '?'})) (incsearch-fuzzyword-/) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzyword()) (incsearch-fuzzy-stay) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzy({'is_stay': 1})) (incsearch-fuzzy-?) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzy({'command': '?'})) (incsearch-fuzzy-/) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzy()) (incsearch-easymotion-stay) * incsearch#go(42_config({'is_stay': 1})) (incsearch-easymotion-?) * incsearch#go(42_config({'command': '?'})) (incsearch-easymotion-/) * incsearch#go(42_config()) (_incsearch-g#) * g# (_incsearch-g*) * g* (_incsearch-#) * # (_incsearch-*) * * (_incsearch-N) * g:incsearch#consistent_n_direction && !v:searchforward ? 'n' : 'N' (_incsearch-n) * g:incsearch#consistent_n_direction && !v:searchforward ? 'N' : 'n' (incsearch-nohl-g#) (incsearch-nohl)(_incsearch-g#) (incsearch-nohl-g*) (incsearch-nohl)(_incsearch-g*) (incsearch-nohl-#) (incsearch-nohl)(_incsearch-#) (incsearch-nohl-*) (incsearch-nohl)(_incsearch-*) (incsearch-nohl-N) (incsearch-nohl)(_incsearch-N) (incsearch-nohl-n) (incsearch-nohl)(_incsearch-n) (incsearch-nohl2) * incsearch#autocmd#auto_nohlsearch(2) (incsearch-nohl0) * incsearch#autocmd#auto_nohlsearch(0) (incsearch-nohl) * incsearch#autocmd#auto_nohlsearch(1) (incsearch-stay) * incsearch#go({'command': '/', 'is_stay': 1}) (incsearch-backward) * incsearch#go({'command': '?'}) (incsearch-forward) * incsearch#go({'command': '/'}) x (easymotion-activate) * :call EasyMotion#activate(1) nos(easymotion-activate) * :call EasyMotion#activate(0) (easymotion-dotrepeat) * :call EasyMotion#DotRepeat() x (easymotion-repeat) * :call EasyMotion#Repeat(1) nos(easymotion-repeat) * :call EasyMotion#Repeat(0) x (easymotion-prev) * :call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(1,1) nos(easymotion-prev) * :call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(0,1) x (easymotion-next) * :call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(1,0) nos(easymotion-next) * :call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(0,0) x (easymotion-wl) * :call EasyMotion#WBL(1,0) nos(easymotion-wl) * :call EasyMotion#WBL(0,0) x (easymotion-lineforward) * :call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(1,0) nos(easymotion-lineforward) * :call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(0,0) x (easymotion-lineanywhere) * :call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(1,2) nos(easymotion-lineanywhere) * :call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(0,2) x (easymotion-bd-wl) * :call EasyMotion#WBL(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-wl) * :call EasyMotion#WBL(0,2) x (easymotion-linebackward) * :call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(1,1) nos(easymotion-linebackward) * :call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(0,1) x (easymotion-bl) * :call EasyMotion#WBL(1,1) nos(easymotion-bl) * :call EasyMotion#WBL(0,1) x (easymotion-el) * :call EasyMotion#EL(1,0) nos(easymotion-el) * :call EasyMotion#EL(0,0) x (easymotion-gel) * :call EasyMotion#EL(1,1) nos(easymotion-gel) * :call EasyMotion#EL(0,1) x (easymotion-bd-el) * :call EasyMotion#EL(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-el) * :call EasyMotion#EL(0,2) x (easymotion-jumptoanywhere) * :call EasyMotion#JumpToAnywhere(1,2) nos(easymotion-jumptoanywhere) * :call EasyMotion#JumpToAnywhere(0,2) x (easymotion-vim-n) * :call EasyMotion#Search(1,0,1) nos(easymotion-vim-n) * :call EasyMotion#Search(0,0,1) x (easymotion-n) * :call EasyMotion#Search(1,0,0) nos(easymotion-n) * :call EasyMotion#Search(0,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-n) * :call EasyMotion#Search(1,2,0) nos(easymotion-bd-n) * :call EasyMotion#Search(0,2,0) x (easymotion-vim-N) * :call EasyMotion#Search(1,1,1) nos(easymotion-vim-N) * :call EasyMotion#Search(0,1,1) x (easymotion-N) * :call EasyMotion#Search(1,1,0) nos(easymotion-N) * :call EasyMotion#Search(0,1,0) x (easymotion-eol-j) * :call EasyMotion#Eol(1,0) nos(easymotion-eol-j) * :call EasyMotion#Eol(0,0) x (easymotion-sol-k) * :call EasyMotion#Sol(1,1) nos(easymotion-sol-k) * :call EasyMotion#Sol(0,1) x (easymotion-sol-j) * :call EasyMotion#Sol(1,0) nos(easymotion-sol-j) * :call EasyMotion#Sol(0,0) x (easymotion-k) * :call EasyMotion#JK(1,1) nos(easymotion-k) * :call EasyMotion#JK(0,1) x (easymotion-j) * :call EasyMotion#JK(1,0) nos(easymotion-j) * :call EasyMotion#JK(0,0) x (easymotion-bd-jk) * :call EasyMotion#JK(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-jk) * :call EasyMotion#JK(0,2) x (easymotion-eol-bd-jk) * :call EasyMotion#Eol(1,2) nos(easymotion-eol-bd-jk) * :call EasyMotion#Eol(0,2) x (easymotion-sol-bd-jk) * :call EasyMotion#Sol(1,2) nos(easymotion-sol-bd-jk) * :call EasyMotion#Sol(0,2) x (easymotion-eol-k) * :call EasyMotion#Eol(1,1) nos(easymotion-eol-k) * :call EasyMotion#Eol(0,1) x (easymotion-iskeyword-ge) * :call EasyMotion#EK(1,1) nos(easymotion-iskeyword-ge) * :call EasyMotion#EK(0,1) x (easymotion-w) * :call EasyMotion#WB(1,0) nos(easymotion-w) * :call EasyMotion#WB(0,0) x (easymotion-bd-W) * :call EasyMotion#WBW(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-W) * :call EasyMotion#WBW(0,2) x (easymotion-iskeyword-w) * :call EasyMotion#WBK(1,0) nos(easymotion-iskeyword-w) * :call EasyMotion#WBK(0,0) x (easymotion-gE) * :call EasyMotion#EW(1,1) nos(easymotion-gE) * :call EasyMotion#EW(0,1) x (easymotion-e) * :call EasyMotion#E(1,0) nos(easymotion-e) * :call EasyMotion#E(0,0) x (easymotion-bd-E) * :call EasyMotion#EW(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-E) * :call EasyMotion#EW(0,2) x (easymotion-iskeyword-e) * :call EasyMotion#EK(1,0) nos(easymotion-iskeyword-e) * :call EasyMotion#EK(0,0) x (easymotion-b) * :call EasyMotion#WB(1,1) nos(easymotion-b) * :call EasyMotion#WB(0,1) x (easymotion-iskeyword-b) * :call EasyMotion#WBK(1,1) nos(easymotion-iskeyword-b) * :call EasyMotion#WBK(0,1) x (easymotion-iskeyword-bd-w) * :call EasyMotion#WBK(1,2) nos(easymotion-iskeyword-bd-w) * :call EasyMotion#WBK(0,2) x (easymotion-W) * :call EasyMotion#WBW(1,0) nos(easymotion-W) * :call EasyMotion#WBW(0,0) x (easymotion-bd-w) * :call EasyMotion#WB(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-w) * :call EasyMotion#WB(0,2) x (easymotion-iskeyword-bd-e) * :call EasyMotion#EK(1,2) nos(easymotion-iskeyword-bd-e) * :call EasyMotion#EK(0,2) x (easymotion-ge) * :call EasyMotion#E(1,1) nos(easymotion-ge) * :call EasyMotion#E(0,1) x (easymotion-E) * :call EasyMotion#EW(1,0) nos(easymotion-E) * :call EasyMotion#EW(0,0) x (easymotion-bd-e) * :call EasyMotion#E(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-e) * :call EasyMotion#E(0,2) x (easymotion-B) * :call EasyMotion#WBW(1,1) nos(easymotion-B) * :call EasyMotion#WBW(0,1) n (easymotion-overwin-w) * :call EasyMotion#overwin#w() n (easymotion-overwin-line) * :call EasyMotion#overwin#line() n (easymotion-overwin-f2) * :call EasyMotion#OverwinF(2) n (easymotion-overwin-f) * :call EasyMotion#OverwinF(1) x (easymotion-Tln) * :call EasyMotion#TL(-1,1,1) nos(easymotion-Tln) * :call EasyMotion#TL(-1,0,1) x (easymotion-t2) * :call EasyMotion#T(2,1,0) nos(easymotion-t2) * :call EasyMotion#T(2,0,0) x (easymotion-t) * :call EasyMotion#T(1,1,0) nos(easymotion-t) * :call EasyMotion#T(1,0,0) x (easymotion-s) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,1,2) nos(easymotion-s) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,0,2) x (easymotion-tn) * :call EasyMotion#T(-1,1,0) nos(easymotion-tn) * :call EasyMotion#T(-1,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-t2) * :call EasyMotion#T(2,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-t2) * :call EasyMotion#T(2,0,2) x (easymotion-tl) * :call EasyMotion#TL(1,1,0) nos(easymotion-tl) * :call EasyMotion#TL(1,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-tn) * :call EasyMotion#T(-1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-tn) * :call EasyMotion#T(-1,0,2) x (easymotion-fn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,1,0) nos(easymotion-fn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-tl) * :call EasyMotion#TL(1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-tl) * :call EasyMotion#TL(1,0,2) x (easymotion-fl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,1,0) nos(easymotion-fl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-tl2) * :call EasyMotion#TL(2,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-tl2) * :call EasyMotion#TL(2,0,2) x (easymotion-bd-fn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-fn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,2) x (easymotion-f) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,1,0) nos(easymotion-f) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-fl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-fl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,2) x (easymotion-Fl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,1,1) nos(easymotion-Fl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,1) x (easymotion-tl2) * :call EasyMotion#TL(2,1,0) nos(easymotion-tl2) * :call EasyMotion#TL(2,0,0) x (easymotion-f2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,1,0) nos(easymotion-f2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,0,0) x (easymotion-Fln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,1,1) nos(easymotion-Fln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,1) x (easymotion-sln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,1,2) nos(easymotion-sln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,2) x (easymotion-tln) * :call EasyMotion#TL(-1,1,0) nos(easymotion-tln) * :call EasyMotion#TL(-1,0,0) x (easymotion-fl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,1,0) nos(easymotion-fl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-fl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-fl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,2) x (easymotion-T2) * :call EasyMotion#T(2,1,1) nos(easymotion-T2) * :call EasyMotion#T(2,0,1) x (easymotion-bd-tln) * :call EasyMotion#TL(-1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-tln) * :call EasyMotion#TL(-1,0,2) x (easymotion-T) * :call EasyMotion#T(1,1,1) nos(easymotion-T) * :call EasyMotion#T(1,0,1) x (easymotion-bd-t) * :call EasyMotion#T(1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-t) * :call EasyMotion#T(1,0,2) x (easymotion-Tn) * :call EasyMotion#T(-1,1,1) nos(easymotion-Tn) * :call EasyMotion#T(-1,0,1) x (easymotion-s2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,1,2) nos(easymotion-s2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,0,2) x (easymotion-Tl) * :call EasyMotion#TL(1,1,1) nos(easymotion-Tl) * :call EasyMotion#TL(1,0,1) x (easymotion-sn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,1,2) nos(easymotion-sn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,2) x (easymotion-Fn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,1,1) nos(easymotion-Fn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,1) x (easymotion-sl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,1,2) nos(easymotion-sl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,2) x (easymotion-Fl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,1,1) nos(easymotion-Fl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,1) x (easymotion-sl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,1,2) nos(easymotion-sl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,2) x (easymotion-bd-fln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-fln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,2) x (easymotion-F) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,1,1) nos(easymotion-F) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,0,1) x (easymotion-bd-f) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-f) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,0,2) x (easymotion-F2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,1,1) nos(easymotion-F2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,0,1) x (easymotion-bd-f2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-f2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,0,2) x (easymotion-Tl2) * :call EasyMotion#TL(2,1,1) nos(easymotion-Tl2) * :call EasyMotion#TL(2,0,1) x (easymotion-fln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,1,0) nos(easymotion-fln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,0) n * :FloatermToggle n * :FloatermNext n * :FloatermPrev n * :FloatermNew n NERDCommenterAltDelims * :call nerdcommenter#SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(1) x NERDCommenterUncomment * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Uncomment") n NERDCommenterUncomment * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Uncomment") x NERDCommenterAlignBoth * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "AlignBoth") n NERDCommenterAlignBoth * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "AlignBoth") x NERDCommenterAlignLeft * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "AlignLeft") n NERDCommenterAlignLeft * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "AlignLeft") n NERDCommenterAppend * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Append") x NERDCommenterYank * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Yank") n NERDCommenterYank * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Yank") x NERDCommenterSexy * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Sexy") n NERDCommenterSexy * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Sexy") x NERDCommenterInvert * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Invert") n NERDCommenterInvert * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Invert") n NERDCommenterToEOL * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "ToEOL") x NERDCommenterNested * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Nested") n NERDCommenterNested * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Nested") x NERDCommenterMinimal * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Minimal") n NERDCommenterMinimal * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Minimal") x NERDCommenterToggle * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Toggle") n NERDCommenterToggle * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Toggle") x NERDCommenterComment * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Comment") n NERDCommenterComment * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Comment") n * :TagbarToggle n :Files ov * :Autoformat v * coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(0) : "\" v * coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(1) : "\" n * coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(0) : "\" n * coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(1) : "\" n * :bnext n * :bpre n * :silent:NERDTreeToggle n * :NERDTreeFind v "*d v "*d v "*d v "*y v "-d"*P n "*P
hungpham3112 commented 2 years ago

:map from tagbar window

*@:call AutoPairsJump() *@:call AutoPairsToggle() n ca NERDCommenterAltDelims x cu NERDCommenterUncomment n cu NERDCommenterUncomment x cb NERDCommenterAlignBoth n cb NERDCommenterAlignBoth x cl NERDCommenterAlignLeft n cl NERDCommenterAlignLeft n cA NERDCommenterAppend x cy NERDCommenterYank n cy NERDCommenterYank x cs NERDCommenterSexy n cs NERDCommenterSexy x ci NERDCommenterInvert n ci NERDCommenterInvert n c$ NERDCommenterToEOL x cn NERDCommenterNested n cn NERDCommenterNested x cm NERDCommenterMinimal n cm NERDCommenterMinimal x c NERDCommenterToggle n c NERDCommenterToggle x cc NERDCommenterComment n cc NERDCommenterComment / * incsearch#go(1_config_easyfuzzymotion()) n h * h n l * l n k * k n j * j n d * :vnew +pu=execute('') n 5 * 5gt n 4 * 4gt n 3 * 3gt n 2 * 2gt n 1 * 1gt n sv * :source $MYVIMRC n ev * :edit $MYVIMRC n a * ggVG n w * :w n x * :x x S VSurround n Y * "*y$ n cS CSurround n cs Csurround n ds Dsurround v gx NetrwBrowseXVis n gx NetrwBrowseX x gS VgSurround o j (easymotion-j) v j (easymotion-j) o k (easymotion-k) v k (easymotion-k) v s (easymotion-s) n s (easymotion-overwin-f) v u * n y & :call setreg(v:register, fugitive#Object(@%)) n ySS YSsurround n ySs YSsurround n yss Yssurround n yS YSurround n ys Ysurround v y * "*y n y * "*y n yy * "*yy v NetrwBrowseXVis * :call netrw#BrowseXVis() n NetrwBrowseX * :call netrw#BrowseX(netrw#GX(),netrw#CheckIfRemote(netrw#GX())) v VgSurround * :call 53_opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 0 : 1) v VSurround * :call 53_opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0) n YSurround * 53_opfunc2('setup') n Ysurround * 53_opfunc('setup') n YSsurround * 53_opfunc2('setup').'_' n Yssurround * '^'.v:count1.53_opfunc('setup').'g_' n CSurround * :call 53_changesurround(1) n Csurround * :call 53_changesurround() n Dsurround * :call 53_dosurround(53_inputtarget()) n SurroundRepeat * . o (coc-classobj-a) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:false, '', ['Interface', 'Struct', 'Class']) o (coc-classobj-i) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:true, '', ['Interface', 'Struct', 'Class']) v (coc-classobj-a) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:false, visualmode(), ['Interface', 'Struct', 'Class']) v (coc-classobj-i) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:true, visualmode(), ['Interface', 'Struct', 'Class']) o (coc-funcobj-a) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:false, '', ['Method', 'Function']) o (coc-funcobj-i) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:true, '', ['Method', 'Function']) v (coc-funcobj-a) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:false, visualmode(), ['Method', 'Function']) v (coc-funcobj-i) * :call CocAction('selectSymbolRange', v:true, visualmode(), ['Method', 'Function']) n (coc-cursors-position) * :call CocAction('cursorsSelect', bufnr('%'), 'position', 'n') n (coc-cursors-word) * :call CocAction('cursorsSelect', bufnr('%'), 'word', 'n') v (coc-cursors-range) * :call CocAction('cursorsSelect', bufnr('%'), 'range', visualmode()) n (coc-cursors-operator) * :set operatorfunc=46_CursorRangeFromSelectedg@ n (coc-refactor) * :call CocActionAsync('refactor') n (coc-command-repeat) * :call CocAction('repeatCommand') n (coc-float-jump) * :call coc#float#jump() n (coc-float-hide) * :call coc#float#close_all() n (coc-fix-current) * :call CocActionAsync('doQuickfix') n (coc-openlink) * :call CocActionAsync('openLink') n (coc-references-used) * :call CocActionAsync('jumpUsed') n (coc-references) * :call CocActionAsync('jumpReferences') n (coc-type-definition) * :call CocActionAsync('jumpTypeDefinition') n (coc-implementation) * :call CocActionAsync('jumpImplementation') n (coc-declaration) * :call CocActionAsync('jumpDeclaration') n (coc-definition) * :call CocActionAsync('jumpDefinition') n (coc-diagnostic-prev-error) * :call CocActionAsync('diagnosticPrevious', 'error') n (coc-diagnostic-next-error) * :call CocActionAsync('diagnosticNext', 'error') n (coc-diagnostic-prev) * :call CocActionAsync('diagnosticPrevious') n (coc-diagnostic-next) * :call CocActionAsync('diagnosticNext') n (coc-diagnostic-info) * :call CocActionAsync('diagnosticInfo') n (coc-format) * :call CocActionAsync('format') n (coc-format-selected) * :set operatorfunc=46_FormatFromSelectedg@ n (coc-rename) * :call CocActionAsync('rename') n (coc-codeaction-cursor) * :call CocActionAsync('codeAction', 'cursor') n (coc-codeaction-line) * :call CocActionAsync('codeAction', 'line') n (coc-codeaction) * :call CocActionAsync('codeAction', '') n (coc-codeaction-selected) * :set operatorfunc=46_CodeActionFromSelectedg@ v (coc-codeaction-selected) * :call CocActionAsync('codeAction', visualmode()) v (coc-format-selected) * :call CocActionAsync('formatSelected', visualmode()) n (coc-codelens-action) * :call CocActionAsync('codeLensAction') n (coc-range-select) * :call CocActionAsync('rangeSelect', '', v:true) v (coc-range-select-backward) * :call CocActionAsync('rangeSelect', visualmode(), v:false) v (coc-range-select) * :call CocActionAsync('rangeSelect', visualmode(), v:true) o (fzf-maps-o) * :call fzf#vim#maps('o', 0) x (fzf-maps-x) * :call fzf#vim#maps('x', 0) n (fzf-maps-n) * :call fzf#vim#maps('n', 0) n (fzf-normal) * n (fzf-insert) * i (incsearch-fuzzyspell-stay) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzyspell({'is_stay': 1})) (incsearch-fuzzyspell-?) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzyspell({'command': '?'})) (incsearch-fuzzyspell-/) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzyspell()) (incsearch-fuzzyword-stay) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzyword({'is_stay': 1})) (incsearch-fuzzyword-?) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzyword({'command': '?'})) (incsearch-fuzzyword-/) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzyword()) (incsearch-fuzzy-stay) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzy({'is_stay': 1})) (incsearch-fuzzy-?) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzy({'command': '?'})) (incsearch-fuzzy-/) * incsearch#go(43_config_fuzzy()) (incsearch-easymotion-stay) * incsearch#go(42_config({'is_stay': 1})) (incsearch-easymotion-?) * incsearch#go(42_config({'command': '?'})) (incsearch-easymotion-/) * incsearch#go(42_config()) (_incsearch-g#) * g# (_incsearch-g*) * g* (_incsearch-#) * # (_incsearch-*) * * (_incsearch-N) * g:incsearch#consistent_n_direction && !v:searchforward ? 'n' : 'N' (_incsearch-n) * g:incsearch#consistent_n_direction && !v:searchforward ? 'N' : 'n' (incsearch-nohl-g#) (incsearch-nohl)(_incsearch-g#) (incsearch-nohl-g*) (incsearch-nohl)(_incsearch-g*) (incsearch-nohl-#) (incsearch-nohl)(_incsearch-#) (incsearch-nohl-*) (incsearch-nohl)(_incsearch-*) (incsearch-nohl-N) (incsearch-nohl)(_incsearch-N) (incsearch-nohl-n) (incsearch-nohl)(_incsearch-n) (incsearch-nohl2) * incsearch#autocmd#auto_nohlsearch(2) (incsearch-nohl0) * incsearch#autocmd#auto_nohlsearch(0) (incsearch-nohl) * incsearch#autocmd#auto_nohlsearch(1) (incsearch-stay) * incsearch#go({'command': '/', 'is_stay': 1}) (incsearch-backward) * incsearch#go({'command': '?'}) (incsearch-forward) * incsearch#go({'command': '/'}) x (easymotion-activate) * :call EasyMotion#activate(1) nos(easymotion-activate) * :call EasyMotion#activate(0) (easymotion-dotrepeat) * :call EasyMotion#DotRepeat() x (easymotion-repeat) * :call EasyMotion#Repeat(1) nos(easymotion-repeat) * :call EasyMotion#Repeat(0) x (easymotion-prev) * :call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(1,1) nos(easymotion-prev) * :call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(0,1) x (easymotion-next) * :call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(1,0) nos(easymotion-next) * :call EasyMotion#NextPrevious(0,0) x (easymotion-wl) * :call EasyMotion#WBL(1,0) nos(easymotion-wl) * :call EasyMotion#WBL(0,0) x (easymotion-lineforward) * :call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(1,0) nos(easymotion-lineforward) * :call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(0,0) x (easymotion-lineanywhere) * :call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(1,2) nos(easymotion-lineanywhere) * :call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(0,2) x (easymotion-bd-wl) * :call EasyMotion#WBL(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-wl) * :call EasyMotion#WBL(0,2) x (easymotion-linebackward) * :call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(1,1) nos(easymotion-linebackward) * :call EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(0,1) x (easymotion-bl) * :call EasyMotion#WBL(1,1) nos(easymotion-bl) * :call EasyMotion#WBL(0,1) x (easymotion-el) * :call EasyMotion#EL(1,0) nos(easymotion-el) * :call EasyMotion#EL(0,0) x (easymotion-gel) * :call EasyMotion#EL(1,1) nos(easymotion-gel) * :call EasyMotion#EL(0,1) x (easymotion-bd-el) * :call EasyMotion#EL(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-el) * :call EasyMotion#EL(0,2) x (easymotion-jumptoanywhere) * :call EasyMotion#JumpToAnywhere(1,2) nos(easymotion-jumptoanywhere) * :call EasyMotion#JumpToAnywhere(0,2) x (easymotion-vim-n) * :call EasyMotion#Search(1,0,1) nos(easymotion-vim-n) * :call EasyMotion#Search(0,0,1) x (easymotion-n) * :call EasyMotion#Search(1,0,0) nos(easymotion-n) * :call EasyMotion#Search(0,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-n) * :call EasyMotion#Search(1,2,0) nos(easymotion-bd-n) * :call EasyMotion#Search(0,2,0) x (easymotion-vim-N) * :call EasyMotion#Search(1,1,1) nos(easymotion-vim-N) * :call EasyMotion#Search(0,1,1) x (easymotion-N) * :call EasyMotion#Search(1,1,0) nos(easymotion-N) * :call EasyMotion#Search(0,1,0) x (easymotion-eol-j) * :call EasyMotion#Eol(1,0) nos(easymotion-eol-j) * :call EasyMotion#Eol(0,0) x (easymotion-sol-k) * :call EasyMotion#Sol(1,1) nos(easymotion-sol-k) * :call EasyMotion#Sol(0,1) x (easymotion-sol-j) * :call EasyMotion#Sol(1,0) nos(easymotion-sol-j) * :call EasyMotion#Sol(0,0) x (easymotion-k) * :call EasyMotion#JK(1,1) nos(easymotion-k) * :call EasyMotion#JK(0,1) x (easymotion-j) * :call EasyMotion#JK(1,0) nos(easymotion-j) * :call EasyMotion#JK(0,0) x (easymotion-bd-jk) * :call EasyMotion#JK(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-jk) * :call EasyMotion#JK(0,2) x (easymotion-eol-bd-jk) * :call EasyMotion#Eol(1,2) nos(easymotion-eol-bd-jk) * :call EasyMotion#Eol(0,2) x (easymotion-sol-bd-jk) * :call EasyMotion#Sol(1,2) nos(easymotion-sol-bd-jk) * :call EasyMotion#Sol(0,2) x (easymotion-eol-k) * :call EasyMotion#Eol(1,1) nos(easymotion-eol-k) * :call EasyMotion#Eol(0,1) x (easymotion-iskeyword-ge) * :call EasyMotion#EK(1,1) nos(easymotion-iskeyword-ge) * :call EasyMotion#EK(0,1) x (easymotion-w) * :call EasyMotion#WB(1,0) nos(easymotion-w) * :call EasyMotion#WB(0,0) x (easymotion-bd-W) * :call EasyMotion#WBW(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-W) * :call EasyMotion#WBW(0,2) x (easymotion-iskeyword-w) * :call EasyMotion#WBK(1,0) nos(easymotion-iskeyword-w) * :call EasyMotion#WBK(0,0) x (easymotion-gE) * :call EasyMotion#EW(1,1) nos(easymotion-gE) * :call EasyMotion#EW(0,1) x (easymotion-e) * :call EasyMotion#E(1,0) nos(easymotion-e) * :call EasyMotion#E(0,0) x (easymotion-bd-E) * :call EasyMotion#EW(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-E) * :call EasyMotion#EW(0,2) x (easymotion-iskeyword-e) * :call EasyMotion#EK(1,0) nos(easymotion-iskeyword-e) * :call EasyMotion#EK(0,0) x (easymotion-b) * :call EasyMotion#WB(1,1) nos(easymotion-b) * :call EasyMotion#WB(0,1) x (easymotion-iskeyword-b) * :call EasyMotion#WBK(1,1) nos(easymotion-iskeyword-b) * :call EasyMotion#WBK(0,1) x (easymotion-iskeyword-bd-w) * :call EasyMotion#WBK(1,2) nos(easymotion-iskeyword-bd-w) * :call EasyMotion#WBK(0,2) x (easymotion-W) * :call EasyMotion#WBW(1,0) nos(easymotion-W) * :call EasyMotion#WBW(0,0) x (easymotion-bd-w) * :call EasyMotion#WB(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-w) * :call EasyMotion#WB(0,2) x (easymotion-iskeyword-bd-e) * :call EasyMotion#EK(1,2) nos(easymotion-iskeyword-bd-e) * :call EasyMotion#EK(0,2) x (easymotion-ge) * :call EasyMotion#E(1,1) nos(easymotion-ge) * :call EasyMotion#E(0,1) x (easymotion-E) * :call EasyMotion#EW(1,0) nos(easymotion-E) * :call EasyMotion#EW(0,0) x (easymotion-bd-e) * :call EasyMotion#E(1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-e) * :call EasyMotion#E(0,2) x (easymotion-B) * :call EasyMotion#WBW(1,1) nos(easymotion-B) * :call EasyMotion#WBW(0,1) n (easymotion-overwin-w) * :call EasyMotion#overwin#w() n (easymotion-overwin-line) * :call EasyMotion#overwin#line() n (easymotion-overwin-f2) * :call EasyMotion#OverwinF(2) n (easymotion-overwin-f) * :call EasyMotion#OverwinF(1) x (easymotion-Tln) * :call EasyMotion#TL(-1,1,1) nos(easymotion-Tln) * :call EasyMotion#TL(-1,0,1) x (easymotion-t2) * :call EasyMotion#T(2,1,0) nos(easymotion-t2) * :call EasyMotion#T(2,0,0) x (easymotion-t) * :call EasyMotion#T(1,1,0) nos(easymotion-t) * :call EasyMotion#T(1,0,0) x (easymotion-s) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,1,2) nos(easymotion-s) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,0,2) x (easymotion-tn) * :call EasyMotion#T(-1,1,0) nos(easymotion-tn) * :call EasyMotion#T(-1,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-t2) * :call EasyMotion#T(2,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-t2) * :call EasyMotion#T(2,0,2) x (easymotion-tl) * :call EasyMotion#TL(1,1,0) nos(easymotion-tl) * :call EasyMotion#TL(1,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-tn) * :call EasyMotion#T(-1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-tn) * :call EasyMotion#T(-1,0,2) x (easymotion-fn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,1,0) nos(easymotion-fn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-tl) * :call EasyMotion#TL(1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-tl) * :call EasyMotion#TL(1,0,2) x (easymotion-fl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,1,0) nos(easymotion-fl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-tl2) * :call EasyMotion#TL(2,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-tl2) * :call EasyMotion#TL(2,0,2) x (easymotion-bd-fn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-fn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,2) x (easymotion-f) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,1,0) nos(easymotion-f) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-fl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-fl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,2) x (easymotion-Fl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,1,1) nos(easymotion-Fl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,1) x (easymotion-tl2) * :call EasyMotion#TL(2,1,0) nos(easymotion-tl2) * :call EasyMotion#TL(2,0,0) x (easymotion-f2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,1,0) nos(easymotion-f2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,0,0) x (easymotion-Fln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,1,1) nos(easymotion-Fln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,1) x (easymotion-sln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,1,2) nos(easymotion-sln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,2) x (easymotion-tln) * :call EasyMotion#TL(-1,1,0) nos(easymotion-tln) * :call EasyMotion#TL(-1,0,0) x (easymotion-fl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,1,0) nos(easymotion-fl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,0) x (easymotion-bd-fl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-fl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,2) x (easymotion-T2) * :call EasyMotion#T(2,1,1) nos(easymotion-T2) * :call EasyMotion#T(2,0,1) x (easymotion-bd-tln) * :call EasyMotion#TL(-1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-tln) * :call EasyMotion#TL(-1,0,2) x (easymotion-T) * :call EasyMotion#T(1,1,1) nos(easymotion-T) * :call EasyMotion#T(1,0,1) x (easymotion-bd-t) * :call EasyMotion#T(1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-t) * :call EasyMotion#T(1,0,2) x (easymotion-Tn) * :call EasyMotion#T(-1,1,1) nos(easymotion-Tn) * :call EasyMotion#T(-1,0,1) x (easymotion-s2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,1,2) nos(easymotion-s2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,0,2) x (easymotion-Tl) * :call EasyMotion#TL(1,1,1) nos(easymotion-Tl) * :call EasyMotion#TL(1,0,1) x (easymotion-sn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,1,2) nos(easymotion-sn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,2) x (easymotion-Fn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,1,1) nos(easymotion-Fn) * :call EasyMotion#S(-1,0,1) x (easymotion-sl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,1,2) nos(easymotion-sl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,2) x (easymotion-Fl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,1,1) nos(easymotion-Fl) * :call EasyMotion#SL(1,0,1) x (easymotion-sl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,1,2) nos(easymotion-sl2) * :call EasyMotion#SL(2,0,2) x (easymotion-bd-fln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-fln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,2) x (easymotion-F) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,1,1) nos(easymotion-F) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,0,1) x (easymotion-bd-f) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-f) * :call EasyMotion#S(1,0,2) x (easymotion-F2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,1,1) nos(easymotion-F2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,0,1) x (easymotion-bd-f2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,1,2) nos(easymotion-bd-f2) * :call EasyMotion#S(2,0,2) x (easymotion-Tl2) * :call EasyMotion#TL(2,1,1) nos(easymotion-Tl2) * :call EasyMotion#TL(2,0,1) x (easymotion-fln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,1,0) nos(easymotion-fln) * :call EasyMotion#SL(-1,0,0) n * :FloatermToggle n * :FloatermNext n * :FloatermPrev n * :FloatermNew n NERDCommenterAltDelims * :call nerdcommenter#SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(1) x NERDCommenterUncomment * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Uncomment") n NERDCommenterUncomment * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Uncomment") x NERDCommenterAlignBoth * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "AlignBoth") n NERDCommenterAlignBoth * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "AlignBoth") x NERDCommenterAlignLeft * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "AlignLeft") n NERDCommenterAlignLeft * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "AlignLeft") n NERDCommenterAppend * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Append") x NERDCommenterYank * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Yank") n NERDCommenterYank * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Yank") x NERDCommenterSexy * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Sexy") n NERDCommenterSexy * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Sexy") x NERDCommenterInvert * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Invert") n NERDCommenterInvert * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Invert") n NERDCommenterToEOL * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "ToEOL") x NERDCommenterNested * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Nested") n NERDCommenterNested * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Nested") x NERDCommenterMinimal * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Minimal") n NERDCommenterMinimal * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Minimal") x NERDCommenterToggle * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Toggle") n NERDCommenterToggle * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Toggle") x NERDCommenterComment * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("x", "Comment") n NERDCommenterComment * :call nerdcommenter#Comment("n", "Comment") n * :TagbarToggle n :Files ov * :Autoformat v * coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(0) : "\" v * coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(1) : "\" n * coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(0) : "\" n * coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(1) : "\" n * :bnext n * :bpre n * :silent:NERDTreeToggle n * :NERDTreeFind v "*d v "*d v "*d v "*y v "-d"*P n "*P
mvanderkamp commented 2 years ago

It's hard to see what's different, can you format that as a diff?

raven42 commented 2 years ago

Looks like the mappings are the same. In your :map output, I'm not seeing any mapping like the following (note: this was taken from my vim, and my leader is \):

n  \h          * <C-W>h
n  \l          * <C-W>l
n  \k          * <C-W>k
n  \j          * <C-W>j

When I have these mappings in my .vimrc and issue :map, then I see this output in both the file window and the tagbar window. Can you check your .vimrc to make sure your mappings are being applied correctly even in the file window?

hungpham3112 commented 2 years ago

Looks like the mappings are the same. In your :map output, I'm not seeing any mapping like the following (note: this was taken from my vim, and my leader is \):

n  \h          * <C-W>h
n  \l          * <C-W>l
n  \k          * <C-W>k
n  \j          * <C-W>j

When I have these mappings in my .vimrc and issue :map, then I see this output in both the file window and the tagbar window. Can you check your .vimrc to make sure your mappings are being applied correctly even in the file window?

If both windows mapping are not the same. How can I change the tagbar mapping same like file window mapping ?

raven42 commented 2 years ago

How are you defining your mappings? Normally you would have the definitions you specified in your ~/.vimrc file. That is where I put mine and the mappings were working for me.

Where did you define those mappings you specified in the original post?

hungpham3112 commented 2 years ago

How are you defining your mappings? Normally you would have the definitions you specified in your ~/.vimrc file. That is where I put mine and the mappings were working for me.

Where did you define those mappings you specified in the original post? All my settings are in vimrc but it still doesn't work

raven42 commented 2 years ago

Can you please share your .vimrc? Or at a minimum the relevant portions of it and any conditional blocks around it?

hungpham3112 commented 2 years ago

Can you please share your .vimrc? Or at a minimum the relevant portions of it and any conditional blocks around it?

Here is my minimum .vimrc

call plug#begin('~/vimfiles/plugged')

" make sure you use single quotes
" shorthand notation; fetches
" plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
" any valid git url is allowed
" plug ''

" multiple plug commands can be written in a single line using | separators
" plug 'sirver/ultisnips' | plug 'honza/vim-snippets'

" on-demand loading
Plug ''
Plug ''
Plug ''
"plug 'tpope/vim-fireplace', { 'for': 'clojure' }

" using a tagged release; wildcard allowed (requires git 1.9.2 or above)
" plug 'fatih/vim-go', { 'tag': '*' }

" plugin optionds
" plug 'nsf/gocode', { 'tag': 'v.20150303', 'rtp': 'vim' }
Plug ''

"Float terminal
Plug ''
Plug 'voldikss/fzf-floaterm'

"Powerful Movement
Plug ''
Plug 'haya14busa/incsearch.vim'
Plug 'haya14busa/incsearch-easymotion.vim'
Plug 'haya14busa/incsearch-fuzzy.vim'

"fuzzy file findfing fun
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'

" Unmanaged plugin (manually installed and updated)
Plug '~/my-prototype-plugin'

"Theme for vim
Plug 'dracula/vim',{'as':'dracula'}
Plug '', {'as':'gruvbox'}
Plug '', {'as':'molokai'}
Plug '', {'as':'one'}
Plug '', {'as':'solarized'}
Plug '', {'as': 'edge'}

Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}

Plug 'Chiel92/vim-autoformat'

"Surrounding vim
Plug ''

"Auto pairs
Plug 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs'

"Statusline Plugin
Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim'
Plug ''

"Icon for vim
Plug ''

Plug ''

" Initialize plugin system
call plug#end()

"General settings
syntax enable
set nocompatible
set noswapfile
set background=dark
set termguicolors
set updatetime=300  "Make autocomplete faster"
set timeout timeoutlen=1000 ttimeoutlen=100
set linespace=8
set textwidth=80
set belloff=all "Disable all sound effect"
set scrollbind
set scrollopt=""
"set shell=C:/Users/hungpham/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps/wt.exe

augroup vim_title
    auto BufEnter * let &titlestring = hostname() . "/" . expand("%:p")
    set title titlestring=%<%F%=%l/%L-%P titlelen=70
augroup END
" set list listchars=tab:»·,trail:·,nbsp:·

"set autochdir
autocmd BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h

"Auto save file
set autowriteall
set autoread

"Open file in reasonable location
set splitbelow
set splitright
set encoding=utf-8

"Delete using space
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set autoindent
set noshowmode "turn off status line"
set hidden
set scrolloff=8 "scroll with 5 line at the end of page"

set incsearch
set cursorline
set cursorcolumn
augroup vimrc-incsearch-highlight
  autocmd CmdlineEnter /,\? :set hlsearch
  autocmd CmdlineLeave /,\? :set nohlsearch
augroup END

"Indexing settings
set relativenumber
set number
set signcolumn=number "display signs in the 'number' column

"Indent settings
set tabstop=4 softtabstop=0 expandtab shiftwidth=4 smarttab

"Commandline completions
set wildmenu
set wildmode=longest:list,full
set wildoptions=tagfile
set wildignorecase

"                             Plugin: Tagbar                                 "
nnoremap <silent> <F7> :TagbarToggle<CR>
let g:tagbar_width = 43 
let g:tagbar_singleclick = 1
let g:tagbar_wrap = 1
hungpham3112 commented 2 years ago

I think I found the problem, but I don't know how to fix this. In tagbar buffer, I can't use <leader> key.

I mapped leader key with Space

let mapleader = " "

I think this is a bug of Tagbar instead of my settings

raven42 commented 2 years ago

I'm not seeing any mappings in your .vimrc other than the :TagbarToggle map. Where do you have the following maps defined as per your original query?

nnoremap <leader>j <C-W>j
nnoremap <leader>k <C-W>k
nnoremap <leader>l <C-W>l
nnoremap <leader>h <C-W>h

How are these mappings being setup?

hungpham3112 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I forgot give you these mappings

My minimal _vimrcwith related info:

call plug#begin('~/vimfiles/plugged')

" make sure you use single quotes
" shorthand notation; fetches
" plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
" any valid git url is allowed
" plug ''

" multiple plug commands can be written in a single line using | separators
" plug 'sirver/ultisnips' | plug 'honza/vim-snippets'

" on-demand loading
Plug ''
Plug ''
Plug ''
"plug 'tpope/vim-fireplace', { 'for': 'clojure' }

" using a tagged release; wildcard allowed (requires git 1.9.2 or above)
" plug 'fatih/vim-go', { 'tag': '*' }

" plugin optionds
" plug 'nsf/gocode', { 'tag': 'v.20150303', 'rtp': 'vim' }
Plug ''

"Float terminal
Plug ''
Plug 'voldikss/fzf-floaterm'

"Powerful Movement
Plug ''
Plug 'haya14busa/incsearch.vim'
Plug 'haya14busa/incsearch-easymotion.vim'
Plug 'haya14busa/incsearch-fuzzy.vim'

"fuzzy file findfing fun
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'

" Unmanaged plugin (manually installed and updated)
Plug '~/my-prototype-plugin'

"Theme for vim
Plug 'dracula/vim',{'as':'dracula'}
Plug '', {'as':'gruvbox'}
Plug '', {'as':'molokai'}
Plug '', {'as':'one'}
Plug '', {'as':'solarized'}
Plug '', {'as': 'edge'}

Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}

Plug 'Chiel92/vim-autoformat'

"Surrounding vim
Plug ''

"Auto pairs
Plug 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs'

"Statusline Plugin
Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim'
Plug ''

"Icon for vim
Plug ''

Plug ''

" Initialize plugin system
call plug#end()

"General settings
syntax enable
set nocompatible
set noswapfile
set background=dark
set termguicolors
set updatetime=300  "Make autocomplete faster"
set timeout timeoutlen=1000 ttimeoutlen=100
set linespace=8
set textwidth=80
set belloff=all "Disable all sound effect"
set scrollbind
set scrollopt=""
"set shell=C:/Users/hungpham/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps/wt.exe

augroup vim_title
    auto BufEnter * let &titlestring = hostname() . "/" . expand("%:p")
    set title titlestring=%<%F%=%l/%L-%P titlelen=70
augroup END
" set list listchars=tab:»·,trail:·,nbsp:·

"set autochdir
autocmd BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h

"Auto save file
set autowriteall
set autoread

"Open file in reasonable location
set splitbelow
set splitright
set encoding=utf-8

"Delete using space
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set autoindent
set noshowmode "turn off status line"
set hidden
set scrolloff=8 "scroll with 5 line at the end of page"

set incsearch
set cursorline
set cursorcolumn
augroup vimrc-incsearch-highlight
  autocmd CmdlineEnter /,\? :set hlsearch
  autocmd CmdlineLeave /,\? :set nohlsearch
augroup END

"Indexing settings
set relativenumber
set number
set signcolumn=number "display signs in the 'number' column

"Indent settings
set tabstop=4 softtabstop=0 expandtab shiftwidth=4 smarttab

"Commandline completions
set wildmenu
set wildmode=longest:list,full
set wildoptions=tagfile
set wildignorecase
augroup dynamic_smartcase
    set ignorecase "ignore case in search patterns
    autocmd CmdLineEnter : set nosmartcase
    autocmd CmdLineLeave : set smartcase
augroup END
set completeopt+=menuone,preview
"Open Help in vertical
autocmd BufWinEnter * if &buftype == 'help' | wincmd L | endif

"Status line settings
set guioptions=
set shortmess=cT
set cmdheight=1 "This is the best"

" remap <leader>
let mapleader = " "

"open maximum size of gvim
au guienter * simalt ~x

filetype plugin indent on

" The configuration options should be placed before `colorscheme edge`.
let g:edge_style = 'neon'
let g:edge_enable_italic = 0
let g:edge_disable_italic_comment = 1
let g:edge_lightline_disable_bold = 1

"TODO:need to map <M-j> and <M-K> for snippets
nnoremap <M-j> :bpre<CR>
nnoremap <M-k> :bnext<CR>

"Split navigation
nnoremap <leader>j <C-W>j
nnoremap <leader>k <C-W>k
nnoremap <leader>l <C-W>l
nnoremap <leader>h <C-W>h

"                             Plugin: Tagbar                                 "
nnoremap <silent> <F7> :TagbarToggle<CR>
let g:tagbar_width = 43 
let g:tagbar_singleclick = 1
let g:tagbar_wrap = 1
hungpham3112 commented 2 years ago

I read Tagbar document and see those lines:

Displaying the prototype of a tag~ Tagbar can display the prototype of a tag. More precisely it can display the line(s) in which the tag is defined. This can be done by either pressing <Space> when on a tag or hovering over a tag with the mouse. In the former case the prototype will be displayed in the |Command-line|, in the latter case it will be displayed in a pop-up window. The prototype will also be displayed if the cursor stays on a tag for 'updatetime' milliseconds. In that case the prototype may be abbreviated in order to avoid |hit-enter| prompts.

hungpham3112 commented 2 years ago

I read Tagbar document and see those lines:

Displaying the prototype of a tag~ Tagbar can display the prototype of a tag. More precisely it can display the line(s) in which the tag is defined. This can be done by either pressing <Space> when on a tag or hovering over a tag with the mouse. In the former case the prototype will be displayed in the |Command-line|, in the latter case it will be displayed in a pop-up window. The prototype will also be displayed if the cursor stays on a tag for 'updatetime' milliseconds. In that case the prototype may be abbreviated in order to avoid |hit-enter| prompts.

I think this is why I can't use <Space> in my vimrc because it conflicts with default Tagbar settings

raven42 commented 2 years ago

Ah... yes I believe you are correct.

You can change the mapping for the tagbar config. Try adding the following to your config and hopefully this will get you going.

let g:tagbar_map_showproto = r

Or pick some other key / key-sequence for this.

hungpham3112 commented 2 years ago

Ah... yes I believe you are correct.

You can change the mapping for the tagbar config. Try adding the following to your config and hopefully this will get you going.

let g:tagbar_map_showproto = r

Or pick some other key / key-sequence for this.

Thanks to everybody who helped me. Thanks a lot. My problem is gone

raven42 commented 2 years ago

Great! glad we got it working!