preservim / tagbar

Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope
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Wrong tags with javascript specific syntax #799

Closed igorcafe closed 2 years ago

igorcafe commented 2 years ago

Sorry if it is not tagbar's "fault", but when using this type of syntax with javascript the tags aren't quite right... image

This works: image

raven42 commented 2 years ago

This would need to be brought up with the universal-ctags team first. I tested the code you have and currently ctags doesn't recognize the async <name> () format as a function. Here is the raw ctags output that tagbar has to work with. Once universal ctags can support this function syntax, we can verify that tagbar can detect and display it correctly.

tagbar (master) tagbar-test-files$ ctags --extras=+F -f - --format=2 --excmd=pattern --fields=nksSafet --sort=no --append=no -V --language-force=javascript --javascript-kinds=vcCgpmf test.js
  Option: --language-force=javascript
  Option: --javascript-kinds=vcCgpmf
Initialize parser: JavaScript
Reading command line arguments
OPENING test.js as JavaScript language file [new]
response    test.js /^      const response = await axios.get('api\/school-system\/users\/me')$/;"   C   line:5
formData    test.js /^      const formData = new FormData()$/;" C   line:10
response    test.js /^      const response = await axiot.put('api\/school-system\/users\/me', payload)$/;"  C   line:20
response    test.js /^      const response = await axios.put('api\/auth\/change-password', user)$/;"    C   line:25
response    test.js /^      const response = await'api\/auth\/password-recovery\/change-password', user)$/;"    C   line:31
tagbar (master) tagbar-test-files$
raven42 commented 2 years ago

@igoracmelo I've pushed up a change that might give partial support for this. Take a look at #811 and see if this will work for your case. I tested it out using the example you gave and the following definitions in my .vimrc and it seemed to work for me.

    let g:tagbar_type_javascript = {
                \ 'ctagstype'   : 'javascript',
                \ 'regex'       : [
                    \ '/async[ \t]+(.*)[ \t]*\(.*\)/\1/f/func/function/',
                \ ],
                \ 'kinds'       : [
                    \ 'v:global variables:0:0',
                    \ 'C:constants:0:0',
                    \ 'c:classes:0:1',
                    \ 'g:generators:0:0',
                    \ 'p:properties:0:0',
                    \ 'm:methods:0:1',
                    \ 'f:functions:0:0',
                \ ],
                \ 'sro'         : '.',
                \ 'kind2scope'  : {
                    \ 'c' : 'class',
                    \ 'f' : 'function',
                    \ 'm' : 'method',
                    \ 'p' : 'property',
                \ },
                \ 'scope2kind'  : {
                    \ 'class' : 'c',
                    \ 'function' : 'f',
                \ },
            \ }