preservim / tagbar

Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope
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tagbar conflicts with completeopt popup. #815

Open 8i8 opened 2 years ago

8i8 commented 2 years ago

When the tagbar panel is open, if omnicomplete responses are navigated, generating popup windows when documentation is available; The editor becomes unusable due to a bug, until the command :call popup_clear() is made to close the popup that was generated.

Writing golang and using vim-go for completion, I have manually set the popups with the following code in my vimrc:

if has("patch-8.1.1904")
  set completeopt+=popup
  set completepopup=align:menu,border:off,highlight:Pmenu
raven42 commented 1 year ago

Sorry this has gone with no response for so long. I do not have an environment to test with popups, so I am not able to help with this. If you are willing to provide a pull request, we can certainly help facilitate getting it merged in.