preservim / tagbar

Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope
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Allow autocmds in the host window when s:JumpToTag() leaves the tagbar #820

Closed lyokha closed 2 years ago

lyokha commented 2 years ago

This fixes cursor splashing in wrong positions when plugin Beacon is enabled.

Recently I installed the Beacon plugin and found that cursor splashes it runs on WinEnter after the cursor jumps from the tagbar to the host window happen in wrong places (the top or the bottom line of the host window). The following animation shows what happens:

Peek 2022-06-08 23-51

Note that splashes occur at the top and the bottom lines of the host window when the tag gets chosen in the tagbar and the cursor jumps back to the host window.

The reason is that s:JumpToTag() makes jump with noautocmd on.

Look what it does (this is the original, not yet changed code):

    if a:stay_in_tagbar
        call s:HighlightTag(0)
        call s:goto_win(tagbarwinnr)
    elseif g:tagbar_autoclose || autoclose
        " Also closes preview window
        call s:CloseWindow()
        " Close the preview window if it was opened by us
        if s:pwin_by_tagbar
        if s:is_maximized
            call s:ZoomWindow()
        call s:HighlightTag(0)

There are 3 cases:

  1. Stay in the tagbar after jump -> call s:HighlightTag() -> noautocmd in the host window, that's Ok as we are not moving from the tagbar.
  2. Autoclose tagbar -> autocmds are on as s:CloseWindow() runs them, that's Ok too.
  3. Jump from the tagbar window to the host window -> call s:HighlightTag() -> noautocmd in the host window, that seems to be Not Ok as the cursor physically moves to the host window.

Function s:HighlightTag() calls s:goto_win() with noautocmd flag. In this PR I extended trailing arguments of s:HighlightTag() to let s:JumpToTag() call this with the unset noautocmd flag passed to s:goto_win() for the host window in the case 3.

After the fix, the Beacon cursor splashes occur in the right positions.

Peek 2022-06-08 23-49

raven42 commented 2 years ago

changes look good to me. Thanks for the contribution.