preservim / tagbar

Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope
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BufReadPre not BufReadPost for tagbar_ignore #825

Closed harriott closed 1 year ago

harriott commented 1 year ago

minor documentation error

Tagbar slows down opening of large markdown files - this is known.

Until recently, it was enough to have let b:tagbar_ignore = 1 in my ftplugin/md.vim, but this is no longer soon enough. :h tagbar recommends BufReadPost, but only this works:

autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPre *.md let b:tagbar_ignore = 1


  1. correct the documentation
  2. add a switch to turn off Tagbar for all filetypes, and a means to turn them on subsequently only for desired filetypes