preservim / tagbar

Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope
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vim9 exported functions not displayed by tagbar #828

Closed niva-xx closed 1 year ago

niva-xx commented 1 year ago

Since vim9script, some export def functions are allowed and not displayed by tagbar. Ctags or universal ctags seem to detect only legacy vimscript function.

Is there a possible work around ? Thank you Nicolas

raven42 commented 1 year ago

If universal ctags does not recognize vim9script yet, then the only option would be to create a regex parser for universal ctags and then define a custom file type for vim9script.

niva-xx commented 1 year ago

5 sur 14072

vim9 exported functions not recognized by ctags

18 vues



10 août

Hi, Exported functions in New vim9 are not found by exubérant ctags, universal ctags and not


10 août

On 2022-08-10, NV wrote: > Hi, > > Exported functions in New


11 août

On 2022-08-10, Lifepillar wrote: > On 2022-08-10, NV <


11 août

Aah, the line for global vars got cut off the Ctags config: --kinddef-vim=e,export,Vim 9 exported


11 août

Thank you a lot Amazing Man LifePillar , Migh take account on the possibility of extended that ctags


11 août

à vim_use

On 2022-08-11, N V wrote:

So I put it in somewhereOvertherainbow\Vim\vim90.ctags.d

If you put Ctags configuration there, does ctags --list-kinds=vim still use it?

But it seems to not runnning well : does not displays vim9 exported functions

I'm afraid I can't help you with Windows-specific configuration, as I'm not using Windows.


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12 août

à vim_use

And YES It Is !!  :)

Windows configuration of vim9script  ctags extension

1/ In your $MYVIMRC ~_vimrc (here vim9script) just put these lines :

g:tagbar_type_vim = {        kinds: [

          \ 'a:autocommand groups:1',           \ 'c:commands:0:0',

          \ 'e:exported defs',           \ 'f:functions',           \ 'g:global variables',           \ 'K:constants',

          \ 'm:maps:1:0',

          \ 'n:vimball filenames',           \ 'v:variables:1:0',

      \ ], }

2/ In your $vimruntime ~ vim90 folder where there is ctags.exe v5.9 just add  file in folder .ctags.d/vim.ctags

--kinddef-vim=e,export,Vim 9 exported defs --kinddef-vim=g,global,Vim 9 global variables --kinddef-vim=K,const,Vim 9 constants --regex-vim=/^\s*export\s+def\s+([^(]+)/\1/e,export/


--regex-vim=/^(\sexport\s+)?const\s+(\w+)/\2/K,const/ --regex-vim=/^(\sexport\s+)?final\s+(\w+)/\2/K,const/

and see the light : all exported defs vim9script functions are now displayed !   :) :)

raven42 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for listing the steps. This will help others when trying to upgrade.