preservim / tagbar

Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope
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Feature Request: don't show () after function name in status line for Haskell; use different formatting for the kind #883

Open cheater opened 3 weeks ago

cheater commented 3 weeks ago

Haskell doesn't use parentheses so it's kind of weird and ugly to see myfunc() in the status bar.

In the tagbar, currently function types and various other things are displayed with parens. For example:

function types
    myFunc((Num a) => a -> a -> a)

Please make it possible to instead have this:

function types
    myFunc :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a

with the ::, ->, and => highlighted in yellow like the Haskell syntax.

Both of those things should probably be a thing in g:tagbar_type_* settings.

This would make things much nicer for Haskell. Thank you for the support it has so far, it's great!