Closed arnauldb closed 4 years ago
Put this in your .vimrc:
Plugin 'reedes/vim-colors-pencil'
then, while in the same buffer with vimrc, run
:source % :PluginInstall
For Vundle version < 0.10.2, replace "Plugin" with "Bundle". In order to activate, run
:colorscheme pencil
in Vim; to make permanent, add this line to .vimrc.
thanks OVlasiuk.
That's what I did. I don't get the background as seen below however :
Am I missing something ?
Do you have something like
set background=light
in the .vimrc? Which of the two backgrounds doesn't work?
ok, thanks OVlasiuk, it is working now, I added
set background=light
to my .vimrc
This one can be closed as well as question was answered.
could you explain to me how to install via Vundle and how to activate this theme ?
Thank you,