preservim / vim-indent-guides

A Vim plugin for visually displaying indent levels in code
MIT License
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Unable to set the colors manually #118

Closed ezmiller closed 7 years ago

ezmiller commented 7 years ago

Hi, nice plugin. I've been trying to modify the default colors to make things a bit more subtle. I've had no luck though. Here's what I tried:

" Settings for nathanael/vim-indent-guides
:set background=dark
let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0
autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesOdd  guibg=black   ctermbg=3
autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=darkslategrey ctermbg=4

The result looks like this:

Clearly, not the colors I tried to dictate! I'm wondering if the problem might have something to do with the fact that I'm using nvim within the context of ITerm2. Any suggestions anyone?

nathanaelkane commented 7 years ago

Are you by any chance using a custom iTerm 2 theme? If so, then you only have 16 colors to choose from when using the cterm highlight groups.

NeoVim supports truecolor, so maybe try to find an alternative version of your colorscheme that sets the gui highlight groups.

nathanaelkane commented 7 years ago

Closing issue as problem is not related to indent guides.