preservim / vim-indent-guides

A Vim plugin for visually displaying indent levels in code
MIT License
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error on execute() when triggered from modeline in neovim #154

Open asdfzdfj opened 1 year ago

asdfzdfj commented 1 year ago

sample error text (slightly edited for readability):

Error detected while processing modelines[2075]
..OptionSet Autocommands for "tabstop"
..function indent_guides#process_autocmds[2]
line    1:
E12: Command not allowed from exrc/vimrc in current dir or tag search
E12: Command not allowed from exrc/vimrc in current dir or tag search
E12: Command not allowed from exrc/vimrc in current dir or tag search

steps to reproduce (approx).:

  1. start nvim with this plugin and modeline enabled
  2. open a file containing modeline (by :e command)

looks like when this plugin is triggered from OptionSet event via modeline, it is run inside sandbox where indent_guides#capture_highlight() function errors out because execute() function is not allowed inside sandbox.

one possible solution is to use some function like synIDattr() and related functions (synIDtrans(), hlID()) to directly query any needed highlight color values instead of execute()ing and parsing :highlight output.
those functions exists in regular vim for quite some time and appears to be sandbox safe, so it should be safe to use.

huyz commented 3 months ago

I get a similar error when I open help in neovim 0.10.0:

Error detected while processing modelines[272]..OptionSet Autocommands for "tabstop"..function indent_guides#process_autoc
line    1:
E12: Command not allowed in secure mode in current dir or tag search
E12: Command not allowed in secure mode in current dir or tag search

PR does fix my problem.