Closed jeffschwartz closed 12 years ago
hey Jeff, can you please perform the debug steps for me:
:let g:indent_guides_debug = 1
a few times, and it should show output similar to the followings:indent_size = 2
s:guide_size = 2
s:hi_normal = Normal xxx ctermfg=188 ctermbg=233 guifg=#e8e8d3 guibg=#151515
s:indent_levels = 30
s:auto_colors = 0
s:change_percent = 0.03
s:color_hex_pat = #[0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}
s:color_hex_bg_pat = guibg=\zs#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\ze
s:color_name_bg_pat = guibg='\?\zs[0-9A-Za-z ]\+\ze'\?
s:start_level = 1
Then just paste me your output similar to mine above.
Hey, thanks so much for your speedy reply.
When I run IndentGuideToggle I get: E492: Not an editor command: IndentGuideToggle
Hm, sounds like Vim hasn't loaded the plugin for some reason. Are you having trouble installing any other plugins?
Try running :scriptnames
and check 1) that all the plugins you expect are in the list, and 2) that the following files are included in the list:
When I run :scriptnames I see that autoload/color_helper.vim isn't getting loaded.
1: /Applications/ 2: ~/.vim/plugin/NERD_tree.vim 3: ~/.vim/nerdtree_plugin/exec_menuitem.vim 4: ~/.vim/nerdtree_plugin/fs_menu.vim 5: ~/.vim/plugin/fuf.vim 6: ~/.vim/autoload/l9.vim 7: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf.vim 8: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/buffer.vim 9: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/file.vim 10: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/coveragefile.vim 11: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/dir.vim 12: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/bookmarkfile.vim 13: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/bookmarkdir.vim 14: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/tag.vim 15: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/buffertag.vim 16: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/taggedfile.vim 17: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/jumplist.vim 18: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/changelist.vim 19: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/quickfix.vim 20: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/line.vim 21: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/help.vim 22: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/givenfile.vim 23: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/givendir.vim 24: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/givencmd.vim 25: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/callbackfile.vim 26: ~/.vim/autoload/fuf/callbackitem.vim 27: ~/.vim/plugin/indent_guides.vim 28: ~/.vim/autoload/indent_guides.vim 29: ~/.vim/plugin/l9.vim 30: ~/.vim/plugin/snipMate.vim 31: /Applications/ 32: /Applications/ 33: /Applications/ 34: /Applications/ 35: /Applications/ 36: /Applications/ 37: /Applications/ 38: /Applications/ 39: /Applications/ 40: /Applications/ 41: ~/.vim/after/plugin/snipMate.vim 42: /Applications/ 43: /Applications/ 44: /Applications/ 45: /Applications/ 46: /Applications/ 47: /Applications/ 48: /Applications/ 49: /Applications/ 50: ~/.gvimrc 51: /Applications/ 52: /Applications/
I checked my ~/.vim/autoload folder and color_helper.vim is in the folder as is indent_guides.vim. The funny thing is that indent_guides.vim is getting loaded from the folder. Odd, right?
Try adding set nocompatible
to the top of your .vimrc
might be too late).
I did as you suggested, putting set no compatible at the top of my ~/.vimrc file but it didn't change anything.
Is it still giving you the same "E492: Not an editor command: IndentGuideToggle" error?
Sorry, yes it is.
I'm almost out of ideas sorry...
Can you run :echo exists('g:loaded_indent_guides')
and let me know what it outputs.
It returns 1
and does :echo g:loaded_indent_guides
return 1?
Yes, it does.
Well if it gets that far I would expect it to work fine. Sorry mate, out of ideas :(
Thank you for trying :). I appreciate it. If something should come to you or someone else has the same or similar issue please let me know.
Good day, mate :)
Thinking that there might be something wrong with my installation and configuration I totally removed macvim, all configs, and plugins. I then did a clean install of macvim as well as pathogen to give me a better way of managing my plugins. Then I curled your package into the .vim/bundle folder. With only your plugin installed I then started macvim and issued the pathogen :Helptags to generate the package's help tags. Then I did :h indent-guide and it worked, macvim was able to find the help for the package and display it. So far so good. I then did the 2 commands you asked me to do yesterday -- :let g:indent_guides_debug = and :IndentGuideToggle I still get the same error - E492: Not an editor command: IndentGuideToggle.
I also did :script names and got the following;
1: /Applications/ 2: ~/.vimrc 3: ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim 4: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-indent-guides/plugin/indent_guides.vim 5: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-indent-guides/autoload/indent_guides.vim 6: /Applications/ 7: /Applications/ 8: /Applications/ 9: /Applications/ 10: /Applications/ 11: /Applications/ 12: /Applications/ 13: /Applications/ 14: /Applications/ 15: /Applications/ 16: /Applications/ 17: /Applications/ 18: /Applications/ 19: /Applications/ 20: /Applications/ 21: /Applications/ 22: /Applications/ 23: /Applications/ 24: ~/.gvimrc 25: /Applications/ 26: /Applications/ 27: /Applications/ 28: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-indent-guides/autoload/color_helper.vim
From the above scriptnames output it looks like the 3 files are loaded as you indicated they should be yesterday.
I hope this more complete information will be of some assistance to you in getting to the root of the issue. BTW I am running macvim on OS X Lion.
Thanks again for all your help and have a great day.
Sincerely, Jeff
I have the same issue :IndentGuideToggle doesn't work in macvim, however _leader_ig does work, and two flips of the switch and i can see the class of results that are expected. basically the same install, on OSX Lion. Once i get it kicking by issuing a few
s:indent_size = 3 s:guide_size = 1 s:hi_normal = Normal xxx ctermfg=188 ctermbg=233 guifg=#e8e8d3 guibg=#151515 s:indent_levels = 30 s:auto_colors = 0 s:change_percent = 0.1 s:color_hex_pat = #[0-9A-Fa-f]{6} s:color_hex_bg_pat = guibg=\zs#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}\ze s:color_name_bg_pat = guibg='\?\zs[0-9A-Za-z ]+\ze'\? "~/R/YTslicer.r" 472L, 19541C s:indent_size = 3 s:guide_size = 1 s:hi_normal = Normal xxx ctermfg=188 ctermbg=233 guifg=#e8e8d3 guibg=#151515 s:indent_levels = 30 s:auto_colors = 0 s:change_percent = 0.1 s:color_hex_pat = #[0-9A-Fa-f]{6} s:color_hex_bg_pat = guibg=\zs#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}\ze s:color_name_bg_pat = guibg='\?\zs[0-9A-Za-z ]+\ze'\? s:start_level = 3
Checked :scriptnames and autoload/color_helper.vim is missing.
a little bit of looking about, and i found that my .vim/bundle/vim-indent-guides/plugin/ folder did not have a copy of colour_helper.vim ... so i cut and paste the text in the online version into a vim session and saved that. after shutting my macvim down and re-loading (:so .vimrc didn't work), i got the highlighting once i went for _leader_ig.
@mcooganj which version do you have installed? or the github repo?
I BundelInstalled it from your git with
Bundle 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides'
On 2 September 2012 19:56, Nate wrote:
@mcooganj which version do you have installed? or the github repo?
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
btw i grep'd for color_helper and it turns out that it is in the autoload dir ... anyhow, with the file in both the plugin and autoload dirs it's fixed now, and the error / bug when i have _leader_ig'd it on, and i change tabs / buffers is gone. alls well that ends well.
another point worth noting for macvim users -- the defaults are hard to see with some colorschemes. i use jellybeans, and have found that the following works well for me:
let g:indent_guides_color_change_percent = 30 let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0 autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesOdd guibg=steelblue3 ctermbg=3 autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=ivory3 ctermbg=4
I believe Jellybeans has custom colours defined for Indent Guides (Jellybeans is my default)
well, perhaps my eyes are worse than average :)
something did show up, but i prefer the above.
btw :scriptnames now yields ... i am sure that the two are not needed, but at least the bug is fixed.
37: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-indent-guides/plugin/color_helper.vim 38: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-indent-guides/autoload/color_helper.vim 39: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-indent-guides/plugin/indent_guides.vim 40: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-indent-guides/autoload/indent_guides.vim
Hi, I installed using the zip file. I've confirmed that all the files are installed correctly in their intended sub directories under my ~/.vim folder. When loading MacVim none of the commands work and indentation guides do not appear in my files. I tried setting my ~/.gvimrc file to auto load the plugin on startup but that does not work as well.
Here's my config file (~/.gvimrc): set nowrap set number set completeopt=longest,menu set ruler set go-=T set guifont=Menlo\ Regular:h18 set hlsearch set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab filetype indent on filetype plugin on au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ejs set filetype=html let g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup = 1
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Admittedly, I'm a VIM newbie and I'd really like to get this plugin to work. Thanks in advance.
Sincerely, Jeff