preservim / vim-indent-guides

A Vim plugin for visually displaying indent levels in code
MIT License
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cann't be "invoked" for the first time #67

Open lookforit opened 10 years ago

lookforit commented 10 years ago

Hi Thanks for this great plugin. I use this plugin with default setting, but the wired thing is it takes no effect at all when run IndentGuidesEnable or IndentGuidesToggle. But when I change the colorscheme(without quiting gvim),the guide lines can be seen. By the way ,if I use the customized color for this plugin(in .vimrc), it works well. So I think it should be the color-auto-detect issue.

gvimis 7.4 with 027 patch.

rafaelnp commented 10 years ago

I have the same issue. I am using the Vim 7.4.86 and the following plugins :

'gmarik/vundle' 'genutils' 'SelectBuf' 'VimExplorer' 'Color-Sampler-Pack' 'Tagbar' 'Syntastic' '' 'ctrlp.vim' 'myusuf3/numbers.vim' '' '' '' 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe' 'Lokaltog/powerline' '' ''

i hope it can help.

rafaelnp commented 10 years ago

I just detected right now. It does not work with the "vividchalk" colorscheme. With other (i tested with 8 more) it worked since the start. Should i open a new issue ?

lookforit commented 10 years ago

I just detected right now. It does not work with the "vividchalk" colorscheme. With other (i tested with 8 more) it worked since the start.

For my case ,it does not work with "desertEx" colorscheme.

joshdmiller commented 10 years ago

I also have this issue with vividchalk. Has anyone found a solution?

iazel commented 10 years ago

Yep, see #74

lookforit commented 9 years ago

@Iazel Yes ,It works,thanks. But it seems this pull request is not included by the master branch,I modified the code manually.

iazel commented 9 years ago

Sadly this script seems quite dead...

nathanaelkane commented 9 years ago

Glad the PR fixes your issue, will look at merging it in.

alerque commented 1 year ago

Not quite dead. Contributions are being accepted if anybody has known broken situation showing this issues we can review, but even with the related PR and various comments I am not able to replicate this to know whether the PR fixes it.